October 4, 2009

Autumn is here!

I love autumn! Maybe that's because I love winter and autumn is its herald. Just a few evenings ago, I was walking home from my Mom's job and was delighted to see that the air is cooling and becoming crispy --it seems so much cleaner too! It's fresh breezes are so invigorating.

Autumn is also a busy season for me. School starts in earnest just a few weeks before autumn does. I also start knitting and crocheting to make warm clothes for the winter to come.

The leaves don't change color but the water does. During the summer, the ocean is the most beautiful shade of translucent blue. But as summer changes into autumn, and eventually winter, the water changes from this beautiful blue to a blue-gray color. I think it changes because of the position of the sun in the sky. During the summer, the sun's rays can reach straight to the bottom of the ocean. But in the winter, the sun hits the water indirectly and the water seems to be a shade of blue-gray. I love the summer blue; the blue-gray seems to be a little dreary and reminds me that the water is cooler now -and swimming days are over.

At least I can look forward to the cold days of winter when we can bundle up snug, do our school work in cozy sweaters, and drink a warm cup of tea. Oh, good thoughts of the season to come!

Happy autumn friends,

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