December 25, 2010

Turning A Page–200th Blog Post

Well, I can’t believe that I’ve actually posted a whopping 200 times in just over a year’s time!

When I started my blog, I invited all of you on a journey –a peek inside my life through this little blog. You have commented, followed, and supported my blog in more ways than I can mention here. I’ve been inspired by connecting with other girls who blog, and I’ve been encouraged to continue growing in Christ.

The past year and a half has been an interesting time for me. I’ve improved my homemaking skills and shared a few tips here along the way. I’ve learned more about how God would like for me to dress, to serve my family, and obey His will for my life. I’ve watched as He has worked in my life helping me to grow into the young lady He would like me to be.

But my journey is far from over. I have much room for improvement. I still have more maturing to do. And I’m still working on my relationship with Christ. And next month, I will begin a new chapter as I start classes at the local community college working towards a nursing degree. I’ve prayed about this decision quite a bit and feel that God is leading me in this direction.

So I invite you again, dear readers, to continue with me on this journey and join me as I turn a new page and begin education outside of my home for the first time. And although I may not have the time to post as frequently as I’d like to, I realize know that many of you are eager to hear what college life will be like for a homeschool teen. And I’ll make an effort to keep you informed on what’s happening in my life as a college student.

I pray that as you read about my life, whether it be a new recipe I’ve made or an A that I’ve gotten in class, you will be encouraged and strengthened in your faith. I pray that you will be inspired to also continue your journey and grow in Christ.

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December 20, 2010

Miscellany Monday

MMbutton3I nearly forgot to post today’s Miscellany Monday post. Well, it’s late so I’m going to keep this one brief.

facebook{1} I’m on Facebook! Yep, I got permission yesterday to join Facebook…with a few guidelines of course. ;) If you’d like to keep in touch with on FB, please leave me a comment with the link to your profile so I can send you a friend request. I’ll be using FB a bit more often as I start college, as I won’t have the time to check blog comments as often as I’d like.

{2} We’re having some stormy weather. Even though it doesn’t snow in Bermuda, we get plenty of “winter gales”. With these gales, come chilly temperatures (around 50-55 degrees), high winds, and sometimes small hail. Thunderstorms aren’t uncommon either. It can be annoying if you get winter gales back to back…and sometimes we lose electricity too.

{3} The next time I hit “Publish to blog” I would’ve posted 200 times! I can’t wait to celebrate! Haha!

Well, there you have it…short and sweet. Be on the lookout for my 200th blog post later this week!

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December 18, 2010

Life Without Limits

I’d like to introduce y’all to Nick Vujicic. He is a happy, young man who travels the world spreading the Good News to any who is willing listen. God has worked through his ministry to bless many lives and encourage others.

Nick was also born without arms or legs. However, he’s living a happy life. He has realized that God can use us no matter what physical condition or disability.  Nick doesn’t allow his lack of limbs to limit his commitment and desire to serve Christ. Instead, he has used his disability to get the attention of the unsaved and point them to the Savior.

I know I posted a video about Nick a couple of weeks ago, but I really wanted to share this one with you. I hope you’re inspired –I know that I was! 

“Often people ask how I manage to be happy despite having no arms, and no legs. The quick answer is that I have a choice. I can be angry about not having limbs, or I can be thankful that I have a purpose. I choose gratitude. You can too.”
–Nick Vujicic

You can learn about Nick and his ministry at Life Without Limbs.

December 16, 2010

So much to do…

…so little time. With just three and a half weeks to go before the first day of college, I’ve been more busy than ever. I realize that this blog has been a bit neglected, and I’m sorry for the lack of real posts here. I can’t even remember the last time I posted a real photo, taken by me. photo (1)

These past few weeks, I’ve been busy getting textbooks, sorting out overlapping classes, and making sure all my college supplies are ready. I’ve been making pretty good progress though. I have 4 out of the 6 textbooks that I need for the first semester, and I’ll be getting 2 more from a friend later today.

I’ve sorted out my classes –all five of them. For the first semester, I will be taking Math, freshman English, Biology, College Skills {whatever that is!}, and a computer course. I’ll be enrolled full-time and take classes 5 days a week. 

Of course, I’ve also been getting the basic supplies you need for college like pencils, pens, plenty of highlighters, a hardcover 5-subject notebook, oh and a cool box of sticky-notes that works similar to a box of tissue…just pull one when you need it. :p

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this before, but in my 2nd year of college I’ll be visiting Southern Vermont University a few times to get a wider exposure and more hands-on training. So if any of you live in that area, maybe we’ll get to meet!

And how could my “update post” but complete without mentioning that I just got an iPod touch!! Yep, that’s right…I sold a few things I didn’t really need and was able to get enough money buy a brand new iPod! It is really cool and has so many features…I’ll have to write more about it in a later post. {By the way, that photo of my textbooks above was taken by my iPod. Not bad, eh?}

So what has everyone else been up to lately? Update me in a comment below!

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December 13, 2010

Miscellany Monday

MMbutton3[4] Well another Monday, another miscellany post filled with a bit of randomness for you. :)

{1} I’m feeling much better this week. Everyone’s getting over their colds and we’re getting back into our usual routine. Peppermint tea worked wonders and we finished the whole box!

textbooks{2} I can’t believe just how expensive textbooks are! I went to  the campus bookstore to get prices for the textbooks that I need and the total was in the hundreds. Gratefully, a friend of mine recently graduated from nursing school and is letting burrow her textbooks. I still need to buy a few additional textbooks, but that was a big help.

{3}  I was well enough to take the GED test last week Tuesday and Wednesday, praise God! The test wasn’t too difficult and I pray that I passed. Hopefully, I’ll get the results sometime this week.



{4} My 200th blog post is coming up soon. This post is number 196. I’m doing a bit of brainstorming for ideas on what I’ll be doing to celebrate.

Well, what have you been up to? Tell me about your latest projects in a comment below!

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December 6, 2010

Miscellany Monday

MMbutton3I nearly forgot to post today. But here’s what I’ve been up to lately:

{1} I managed to catch a cold this weekend and I’m still fighting it today. It’s not that bad but I have a sore throat, runny nose, and feel very tired. Leah and Jude also caught the cold around the same time as I did so we’ve all been just relaxing trying to get over it.

peppermint tea{2} I’m getting addicted to peppermint tea. The box had been sitting around for quite awhile so when I got sick I decided to give it a try. Honestly, it’s the most delicious tea ever! I also added a bit of lemon juice to help fight my cold and I’ve been drinking cups of tea regularly throughout the day.


{3} I’ve been torn between studying for the GED and trying to get over my cold. You see, the GED test is tomorrow and Wednesday –about 4 hours of testing on each day. I’m praying that this cold doesn’t get any worse and hopefully I’ll wake up tomorrow feeling better.

{4} We’ve had a lot of cloudy days lately. {Random, I know!} But it seems that as soon as December arrived, so did the winter weather. It looks overcast a lot and it’s chilly outside. {This weather doesn’t help colds!}

Sorry for a short post but my head is hurting right now…probably due to my cold.  Please pray that I get better ASAP and that I do well on the GED test.  Thanks in advance, friends!

I hope you all have a lovely day.


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December 5, 2010

So what do you think?

I’ve been working away at my blog design this past week and love the way it’s turned out. Instead of getting a pre-designed template from a great website like or, I used Blogger’s fabulous Template Designer. They’ve just recently rolled out some new features that include fancy fonts for the header and post titles.

It was a lot of fun tweaking all the settings in my Designer trying to find a design that really suits me. I got the background photo from an awesome website offers gorgeous stock photos for free. After finding this gorgeous photo of dandelions, I tweaked it a bit in Picnik {another favorite website of mine} and then added it to my unique design. The only thing left to do was adjust all the colors so everything matches the “yellow theme”.

I’m also trying out an interesting gadget called Wibya –it’s that yellow “toolbar” you see at the  bottom of your screen right now. You can use that handy little thing to quickly access recent posts and share my blog with all your friends. I think y’all will love it!

Okay, let’s put it this way: I’m not sure if this is the final design or not. I’m waiting to hear YOUR opinion, dear reader! Do you like it? Do you hate it? Too much yellow? Too much like spring? Is the little toolbar annoying? Or just perfect? Let me know your thoughts in a comment below!

Be on the look out for my almost-weekly Miscellany Monday post tomorrow morning so you can read about what I’ve been up to –besides blog designing, that is.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


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