May 31, 2010

Friendship Afghan!

Now that my hand is much better, I'm having fun getting back to knitting and crocheting. I thought of a cool idea earlier today! I was wondering if you all would be interested in joining me to make a friendship afghan. Each of us can crochet afghan squares (number of squares made will depend on number of participants) and mail a square to each friend that's participating, keeping one for ourselves. Once we receive squares from participating friends, we can stitch them together to make a friendship afghan and would be a great keepsake to remember our blogger friends by! :-) We can keep everyone updated on the progress of our squares by blogging about it or leaving a comment here.

Before starting, I need to make sure there are enough friends interested to go through with the exchange. I'd like to have 12 participants so we can make 12 squares each. Once I have enough participants signed up for the afghan, we can select a yarn and pattern and begin!

I've been making some progress on the baby throw that I started for the KCA (Knit/Crochet Along) a couple of months ago. Five out of nine squares have been finished so far and it's been a lot of fun to work on this project! The yarn is soft and has an interesting texture making it a pleasure to work with.

Ideally, I'd like to start the friendship afghan squares on the 15th of June so please comment below if you're interested and be sure to tell your friends too!


Friendship Afghan - Knit or Crochet!

Picture from Google Images
To make it easier for all my friends to join me in making a friendship afghan, you can either knit or crochet your afghan squares -whichever craft you is easier for you. However, there will be a few guidelines we'll need to follow so that the squares are about the same size.

I'll be outlining the guidelines in a future post, but for now I'd like to hear from you if you're interested and would like to join us!

Please leave a comment below if you would like to join, and be sure to tell your friends too! All participants will be listed in my sidebar!

Hope you all have a blessed day!

May 27, 2010

I'm 16 Today!

Today is my birthday, now I'm 16 years old! I'm so grateful to God for blessing me to complete another year of life. I'm thankful that I am in good health, am getting a good Christian education, and have been able to bless and encourage others through music. It's been so rewarding to be able to use my talents for His glory!

As I begin another year, I have several decisions to make. In December, I'll be taking the GED test to complete my home school education. I feel that God is leading me to become a midwife and have been doing some research to learn more about what is involved and which course of education would be best. I'm also praying about becoming a doula and/or nutritionist.

My parents have been so helpful in guiding me through these decisions and have encouraged me to seek God's will continually. Please pray that God will clearly show His will to me and that I will continue to grow in Him as I follow His footsteps.

I thought it would be fun to share with you a few pictures from when I was younger!

Age 1
Age 3

Age 5

Age 7

Age 10

Age 14

Age 15(just a few months ago)

Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.
Psalm 43:10

Hope you all have a blessed day!

May 23, 2010

Happy 17th Anniversary, Dad & Mom!!

17 years ago today, God brought my parents together in marriage that they may serve and glorify Him. And 17 years later, they are doing just that. Through both blessings and trials, they have remained faithful to God and faithful to each other. They have been Godly parents to my siblings and I, and are a wonderful example of what a Christian marriage should be like. I am so blessed to call them my parents!
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Your commitment to each other
Is so evident to us
Through all the ups and downs of life
You’ve learned how to trust
We pray that as you celebrate
The love you both share
You’ll sense the love and grace of God
And know He’s always near
~M. S. Lowndes


May 18, 2010

Spring Fun

Sorry for the lack of posts recently! I can think of so many excuses why I haven't done any writing here this past week or so. I guess the main reason excuse why I haven't posted anything is  that we've been having exceptionally good weather! The indoor hobbies have been somewhat neglected and in it's place, I've taken up outdoor hobbies like gardening, collecting seashells, and bird watching! A friend of mine gave me a lovely camera and I've been having lots of fun using it! So with so much to do outside, I haven't done as much writing. (Look out for details and pictures of the camera on my photography blog!)

My arm is nearly 100% better and I had my last doctor's appointment for it last week. I'm continuing my weekly appointments with the occupational therapist but am almost finished with that as well! Once again, I want to thank you all for your prayers for my arm! Now that I'm much better, I've been busy helping Mom around the home and have started doing my chores again. It's been good to be able to give Mom a helping hand and ease her burdens!

In my spare time, I've been trying to sew my first jumper dress! I've made several skirts and aprons but haven't made a dress before. I wasn't able to find a good pattern here so I'm making it up as I go along. :-) It's taking a bit of thought but hopefully it'll turn out fine. I'll be sure to post pictures when I'm finished!

Okay, so that's what I've been up to! What have you been doing? Leave a comment and let me know your favorite spring activities!


May 9, 2010

Dear Mother

Dear Mom,

Thank you for being my Mom. Thank you for all the times you've been there for me. As I look at your life as a mother and the things I'll always remember about you, I thank God for blessing me with such a lovely mother as you! I know you love me when you kiss and hug each one us before we go to bed -no matter how tired you are. I know you love me those nights when you check on us when we are sick. I know you love me when you explain those really difficult algebra problems and then laugh together when we finally find the solution! I know you love me when you cook those delicious soups on chilly winter days and give me compliments when I make refreshing fruit smoothies on hot summer evenings.

I know you always loved me when I think back to those times when I was just a bit younger -how you patiently taught me so many things. I know you loved me when you taught me how to use Paint on the computer, when you showed me how to write my name with a capital letter, and stayed right behind me as I learned to ride a bike. I know you loved me when I practiced my reading skills as I read portions of Scripture to you during Bible time.

Mom, I know you love me when you say "I love you" even though you've had a really long day. You've been an amazing example of what a Proverbs 31 woman should be like; and I pray that when I become a mother, I'll be a loving mother just like you.

Happy Mother's day!

Love always,


My Mom and Me

May 8, 2010

Internet Problems :(

The internet has been cutting out this week. The internet company
hopes to have the problem fixed early next week. This means
I won't be able to do much of anything here on Blogger until the
internet is reliable once again. Mom is letting me post this short note
from her Blackberry. This will be my 99th post! Look forward to my 100th post
sometime next week. Hope you all have a blessed weekend! ~ Eden

May 6, 2010

Press On!

I've been listening to Selah's music on YouTube. I love their music and most of their songs are my favorites!

Here's one song that I listen to a lot:

Press On

When the mountain is steep
when the valley is deep
when the body is weary
when we stumble and fall

When the choices are hard
when we're battered and scarred
when we've spent our resource
when we've given our all

In Jesus name we press on
In Jesus name we press on
Dear Lord, with the prize
clear before our eyes
we find the strength to press on!

May we all press on as we seek to know Christ in a deeper way! Hope you all are having a blessed day!

May 2, 2010

Opal and Onyx

Sara and I were only seven and nine years old and had been begging for kittens for quite a while. Only a few months ago, we had to put our favorite stray cat Kitty to sleep after he was diagnosed with feline AIDS and leukemia. We were heart broken to learn that we wouldn't be able to keep him, but knew it was the best thing for him. Now a few months later, we were ready to adopt a couple of kittens! After several phone calls, Dad located a couple that was giving away several kittens. We were excited at the idea of finally getting a couple of kitties to look after! Obviously, Mom told us that kittens were lots of work but that didn't diminish our enthusiasm one bit. ;-) An hour or so later, Dad returned home with two adorable kittens. Mom named them Opal and Onyx. When they joined our family, Opal was six weeks old. She was the kitty with the white bib and little white "socks". She had (and still has!) a feisty attitude and was reluctant to be held. Apparently, her mother was somewhat feral and she inherited a wild nature.

Somewhat opposite to Opal, Onyx was two weeks younger. He was smaller than his sister and had a timid personality and loved to be cuddled.  Dad and Mom gave one cat to each of us to take responsibility for, raise, and nurture. :-) I'll always remember those first few weeks of being a cat-owner to Onyx. Raising kittens was harder than either of us anticipated. It was particularly challenging trying to "litter train" them; they had more than a few accidents. ;-) Even though it was hard work, I'll always treasure those memories of placing Onyx in a shoe box and carrying him up to my bunk bed. He particularly enjoyed curling up in one of my pockets and loved being pampered with warm dinners and lots of treats!

Soon after we adopted them, they were both diagnosed with ringworm which is a contagious, but treatable skin condition that causes kitties' fur to fall out. Unfortunately, the veterinarian recommended that we put them to sleep because the only remedy was to bathe them twice a week in a medicated shampoo. We couldn't imagine putting them down because of this treatable disease so Dad dedicated a couple of hours a week to carefully bathing each kitten. Bathing two, somewhat feral, kittens twice a week proved much easier said than done! The little kitties absolutely hated their baths and it was a struggle to get them to cooperate. However, after several weeks, Dad's hard work paid off. We were delighted to see that the treatment worked and their fur coats regained their luxurious texture!

Both kitties grew quickly and the years have flown by fast. As they've grown older, they've only endeared themselves to us more and more. Both kitties have become more relaxed and enjoy curling up in our beds to snooze. Truly, they're counted as part of our family!

~Here are just a few photos that we've taken of the kitties~

Click on any image to enlarge.
My little friend! (Taken Oct. '08)
Sara and Opal the kitty (Around Jan.'04)

Hey there! Did you say something about a treat? 

Onyx loves to hang out on top of Dad's printer.

Where did that lizard go?!?
There it is!
Do you have any special pets? Please share a little bit about the animals around your home in a comment below!

Hope you all have a blessed week!
