May 2, 2010

Opal and Onyx

Sara and I were only seven and nine years old and had been begging for kittens for quite a while. Only a few months ago, we had to put our favorite stray cat Kitty to sleep after he was diagnosed with feline AIDS and leukemia. We were heart broken to learn that we wouldn't be able to keep him, but knew it was the best thing for him. Now a few months later, we were ready to adopt a couple of kittens! After several phone calls, Dad located a couple that was giving away several kittens. We were excited at the idea of finally getting a couple of kitties to look after! Obviously, Mom told us that kittens were lots of work but that didn't diminish our enthusiasm one bit. ;-) An hour or so later, Dad returned home with two adorable kittens. Mom named them Opal and Onyx. When they joined our family, Opal was six weeks old. She was the kitty with the white bib and little white "socks". She had (and still has!) a feisty attitude and was reluctant to be held. Apparently, her mother was somewhat feral and she inherited a wild nature.

Somewhat opposite to Opal, Onyx was two weeks younger. He was smaller than his sister and had a timid personality and loved to be cuddled.  Dad and Mom gave one cat to each of us to take responsibility for, raise, and nurture. :-) I'll always remember those first few weeks of being a cat-owner to Onyx. Raising kittens was harder than either of us anticipated. It was particularly challenging trying to "litter train" them; they had more than a few accidents. ;-) Even though it was hard work, I'll always treasure those memories of placing Onyx in a shoe box and carrying him up to my bunk bed. He particularly enjoyed curling up in one of my pockets and loved being pampered with warm dinners and lots of treats!

Soon after we adopted them, they were both diagnosed with ringworm which is a contagious, but treatable skin condition that causes kitties' fur to fall out. Unfortunately, the veterinarian recommended that we put them to sleep because the only remedy was to bathe them twice a week in a medicated shampoo. We couldn't imagine putting them down because of this treatable disease so Dad dedicated a couple of hours a week to carefully bathing each kitten. Bathing two, somewhat feral, kittens twice a week proved much easier said than done! The little kitties absolutely hated their baths and it was a struggle to get them to cooperate. However, after several weeks, Dad's hard work paid off. We were delighted to see that the treatment worked and their fur coats regained their luxurious texture!

Both kitties grew quickly and the years have flown by fast. As they've grown older, they've only endeared themselves to us more and more. Both kitties have become more relaxed and enjoy curling up in our beds to snooze. Truly, they're counted as part of our family!

~Here are just a few photos that we've taken of the kitties~

Click on any image to enlarge.
My little friend! (Taken Oct. '08)
Sara and Opal the kitty (Around Jan.'04)

Hey there! Did you say something about a treat? 

Onyx loves to hang out on top of Dad's printer.

Where did that lizard go?!?
There it is!
Do you have any special pets? Please share a little bit about the animals around your home in a comment below!

Hope you all have a blessed week!



Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness... they're just
ADORABLE, Eden!! Sooo cute. :-)

Jenna said...

How sweet, Eden! :)

We have seven wonderful animals... Three dogs, three horses, and one turtle. I will share a little bit about each:

Carly is our oldest dog, and she is a sweetheart and a mama's girl! She is so loyal to my mother. She barks a lot though!
Chloe is the "middle child" out of our three dogs. She is very sweet and has been a wonderful family dog!
Jolie is our youngest dog, and she is a cutie. At only 8 pounds, she is a spunky little girl!

Fanny May is our oldest horse. She is a wonderful horse, although sometimes a little stubborn. She's very sweet though!
Wrangler is the "middle child" out of our three horses. I don't think I've ever met a better horse. He is so loyal to my brother!
Elvis is my baby, although my brother takes care of him. He is spunky and also scared of most things. He is definitely cute though!

Einstein is our class pet. He is a turtle, who we rescued from our yard. He has been doing wonderful throughout the years, which is great!

Well, I apologize for the long comment. I enjoyed sharing a little bit about each of our sweet animals! I feel so blessed to have them!
Have a blessed Sunday evening!

Your Sister In Christ,

Haley said...

One of our cats, Sam, sounds kind of like Opal. He doesn't like to be picked up or petted muh, but is sweet in his own weird way! ;) On the other hand, Remy, our other cat, can't get enough attention! :) Hehe, can you tell I'm the big pet lover in the family and love taking care of them?

Your cats are so pretty and sound really sweet!

Love and hugs,

Kelsianne said...

You are probably very thankful to your Dad for what he did!
Let me see, we currently have a llama, two goats, 11 chickens, one rooster, a mini horse, two fish, four dogs, and two cats. The cats, Tiki and Tommy, were found in our barn loft shortly after being born. We didn't have any other cats at the time and it was a stray that had them. We eventually kept two of them. They are the BEST cats we've ever had! They love cuddles and attention. My cat, Tiki, loves getting up on my shoulders for a little ride! :)
BTW thank-you for following my blog! I hope you enjoy it. :)

Moe said...

Your cats are very cute!! I have a cat that looks a lot like Opal... except I named him Tommy. He was sort of raised by our dog (Patsy) so Tommy inherited some unusual traits :D. One interesting thing about him is that when you put his legs together, the white spots on them make the shape of a heart. It's amazing how marvelous God made His creation.


Frannie said...

I enjoyed reading that, Eden! Pets make life so pleasant! :)
We have a labradoodle, Kimo, and he is the baby of the family! It has been alot of fun having him around...we think he thinks he's human. :) But we are so thankful for his paitent, faithful, human/dog-like personality!