March 30, 2010

Hurricane Hunters

A couple of weeks ago, we had the opportunity to join other home-schoolers to meet the Hurricane Hunters and have a tour of their aircraft. If you're not familiar with the Hurricane Hunters, they are a squadron of the US Air Force who fly into hurricanes and tropical storms to get updated weather data. They play a crucial role in providing important information to local weather stations who, in turn inform the public on the nature of the storm.

We were glad to be able to meet these brave airmen(and women!) who fly directly into violent storms on a regular basis. They were friendly and answered all the questions we had regarding their job and the plane they fly. We are grateful for the work that they do to keep us well-informed on storms that may be threatening Bermuda or the coastal regions of the United States.

 Jude really enjoyed the outing!

If you would like to read more about the Hurricane Hunters, you can visit their website by clicking here.

As a quick side note: I've added a poll in the right sidebar, and I encourage all of you to vote for your favorite topic that I write about. Thanks in advance!

March 28, 2010

Crochet Hooks, Mystery Project, and Little Peaches

Last week, Mother took us to a local department store and we spent the afternoon there shopping. While she and the younger children shopped for some spring clothing, I went to the fabric and craft department which had a 25% sale on all their yarns and a large portion of their fabric! I already have quite a bit of fabric waiting to be made into some lovely garment, so I decided to purchase yarn and a set of colorful crochet hooks!

I've also decided to start a great spring project, but I thought you all can have a fun time guessing what I'll be working on. As I make progress, I'll post pictures of the mystery project and you can continue to guess what it is. Once I'm finished the project I'll show you the finished photos, and in addition to revealing the mystery project, there will be a special surprise announced at the end of the project too!

The yarn I'll be using is worsted weight, the project will use about (4) two ounce balls, and a size G6 crochet hook. Any ideas? I know that information won't be very helpful but go ahead and make a guess. :-)

This week I was delighted to discover miniature peaches on our peach tree! They are little fuzzy green buds that look like a tiny peach! How amazing is our Creator who makes such beautiful things for us to look at (and of course eat!).

Hope you all have a blessed week!

March 27, 2010

Saturday's Poem: My Hand in God's

My Hand in God's

Each morning when I wake I say,
"I place my hand in God's today";
I know He'll walk close by my side
My every wandering step to guide.

He leads me with the tenderest care
When paths are dark and I despair--
No need for me to understand
If I but hold fast to His hand.

My hand in His! No surer way
To walk in safety through each day.
By His great bounty I am fed:
Warmed by His love, and comforted.

When at day's end I seek my rest
And realize how much I'm blessed,
My thanks pour out to Him; and then
I place my hand in God's again.
~Florence Scripps Kellogg

March 26, 2010

A Broken Arm

I decided to get a second doctor's opinion on my arm. It's been hurting constantly since I fell over a month ago and Dad and Mom agreed it would be a good idea to see another doctor. The doctor I first saw (Dr. C) told me that it should feel much better within 2 weeks but after nearly 3 weeks of constant pain we decided to get an appointment see another orthopedic surgeon.

So this Thursday, Dad took me to see Dr. T. I'm glad that I saw another doctor because it turns out that I actually broke my arm instead of fracturing it as we were told at first. Dr. T did agree with the first doctor and said that my wrist should heal just fine in the splint but I shouldn't be exercising it as Dr. C said. Instead, I need to leave it in the splint and sling for another three weeks and should try to avoid using it too much. And after the splint comes off, I'll have to attend physical therapy to regain proper use of my arm and make sure I use it properly.

Sometimes I'm able to crochet by using my right hand more than I normally would when crocheting. It's slow going but I'm making progress on the baby blanket. :-)

I got a new sling that has better support for my arm. :-)

Hope you all have had a good week and I pray that you all will enjoy this weekend.

March 24, 2010

New Blogger Account

I changed my Gmail address due to way too much spam. As a result, I also had to change my Blogger account over to my new email address. If you sent me a friend request or if we were friends before, you'll need to send me another friend invitation as I have a new account.

Everything else remains the same, and followers of my blog are automatically transferred. You may notice that I'm following your blog twice... this is because I haven't finished transferring the blogs I follow to my new account. You should see that change over the next few days or so.

If you would like to contact me personally, please use the handy "contact me" form in the left sidebar.

Hope you all have a blessed day!

March 20, 2010

Saturday's Poem: Spring

This poem is actually a hymn that has been a favorite of our family for several years.  The lyrics wonderfully capture the essence of spring and the refreshing feeling it brings.

Spring Has Now Unwrapped the Flowers

Spring has now unwrapped the flowers, day is fast reviving,
Life in all her growing powers towards the light is striving:
Gone the iron touch of cold, winter time and frost time,
Seedlings, working through the mould, now make up for lost time.

Herb and plant that, winter long, slumbered at their leisure,
Now bestirring, green and strong, find in growth their pleasure;
All the world with beauty fills, gold the green enhancing,
Flowers make glee among the hills, set the meadows dancing.

Through each wonder of fair days God Himself expresses;
Beauty follows all His ways, as the world He blesses:
So, as He renews the earth, Artist without rival,
In His grace of glad new birth we must seek revival.

Praise the Maker, all ye saints; He with glory girt you,
He Who skies and meadows paints fashioned all your virtue;
Praise Him, seers, heroes, kings, heralds of perfection;
Brothers, praise Him, for He brings all to resurrection!

 ~From Oxford Book of Carols

First Day of Spring!

Today is the first day of spring! I'm so glad that it's finally come around... winter was chilly, wet, and windy. Although, most of the trees here keep their leaves throughout the winter, the high winds that we get so often in the winter months leave the trees, plants, and bushes looking burnt and dry. Of course, with the arrival of spring the gales have quickly vanished and everything is bouncing back to its gorgeous green color! Most of our flowers also bloom year-round, but the bulb plants like freesias, daisies, and spring snowflakes appear only in the spring time and early summer. These are a delight to behold and are always welcomed as heralds of the warmer weather!

I also wanted to give you all a quick update on my arm. I saw the doctor on Thursday and he said that I need to keep the splint on for another two weeks so it can continue to heal while immobilized. It's difficult trying to get by with one hand and I really look forward to when the splint can come off and I can use my hand again! In the meantime, I've been enjoying lots of wholesome poetry. I didn't know that reading poetry could be so much fun! I've been copying my favorite poems into a notebook with my right hand (because my left hand is in a sling) and my right hand's penmanship is getting better every day!

This past week or so I've been taking lots of photos of the blossoming flowers.  Photography is a favorite hobby of mine and it's always fun to capture the simple beauties of God's creation. It was hard to choose which pictures to share on the blog but here are a few of that really highlight the joys of spring:
(remember you can click on any picture to view a larger image)

If you would like to look at more pictures that I've taken, please visit my Picasa web album here.  

What do you like most about spring time? Please comment and share your thoughts on spring.

Hope you all are also enjoying the lovely spring weather we've blessed with here in Bermuda. May you have a blessed weekend!

March 18, 2010

Persecuted Christians

Lately, I've been reading about the persecution that  many believers face on a daily basis -simply because they believe in Christ. Some people think that persecution only happened in the days of the Bible but there are thousands of Christians living today that are suffering for the Gospel's sake.

One ministry, Open Doors, distributes Bibles and literature to persecuted Christians, and works to inform Christians living in "free" countries about the suffering that our brothers and sisters in Christ are going through. Open Doors was started by Brother Andrew, author of God's Smuggler and they provide news and information on Christians living in countries that suppress the Gospel. Here's a video on Open Doors' YouTube page that highlights the trying circumstances that many Christians face in North Korea:

Please remember to pray for these Christians, that they will remain encouraged and be given strength to endure, even when their surroundings and circumstances are most difficult and discouraging.

"...brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you."
~2 Thessalonians 3:1

March 16, 2010

Update on My Arm

My fractured arm has been hurting quite a bit so last week I called the orthopedic surgeon's office. The nurse told me to keep it "immobile" and keep it in the splint. She also said that I need to use a sling to keep it elevated until my next appointment with the doctor on Thursday. This means that I'm not allowed to crochet, knit, or do anything that requires the use of both hands. She also mentioned that my hand may need to be put in a cast if it isn't healing correctly. I'm praying that my arm doesn't need a cast because that'll mean more time on the mend and probably physical therapy after the cast comes off. I really miss helping Mom around the house and wish I could keep my hands happily occupied by playing piano or working on a knitted hat.

Unfortunately, I managed to fracture my left hand and I'm left-handed so I can't write or do much school work. However, I've been trying to use this time wisely by catching up on some reading and doing more studying.  I've also been helping Leah and Jude with their school work.

On a brighter note... :-) Spring is just around the corner and it couldn't come sooner! We've been getting plenty of rain over the past few weeks and the winter gales have been quite frequent. More recently though, everything seems to be getting greener outside, the birds are singing more chipper tunes, and the flowers are blooming in abundance! I'm planning on taking pictures of the bulb pants that have suddenly sprung up in our garden and of the leaves are starting to emerge on our peach tree! 

What are some of the signs of nearing spring time in your neighborhood? Please let me know what's happening in your area this time of year! Hope you all are having a wonderful week!

March 13, 2010

Saturday's Poem: The Song of the Sparrow

Recently, I've been reading through a good book of compiled Christian poems. These poems and quotes have been such a blessing to me. Many of them are by an unknown author or written anonymously but they never fail to strike a chord in my heart and leave me feeling refreshed. So every Saturday I'll share a favorite poem that encouraged me that past week. If a poem shared here blessed you or touched your heart, please leave a comment and let me know!

This week's poem has been a long-standing family favorite. Mother shared it with us when we were quite little and every time I see a sparrow, I think of this lovely poem.

The Song of the Sparrow

I'm only a little sparrow,
A bird of low degree;
My life is of little value,
But the dear Lord cares for me.

He gives me a coat of feathers--
It is very plain I know,
Without a speck of crimson,
For it was not made for show.

But it keeps me warm in winter,
And it shields me from the rain;
Were it bordered with gold or purple,
Perhaps it would make me vain.

And when spring time cometh,
I will build me a little nest,
With many a chirp of pleasure,
In the spot I love the best.

I have no barn or storehouse,
I neither sow nor reap;
God gives me a sparrow's portion,
With never a seed to keep.

If my meat is sometimes scanty,
Close pecking makes it sweet;
I have always enough to feed me,
And life is more than meat.

I know there are many sparrows--
All over the world they are found--
But our heavenly Father knoweth 
When one of us falls to the ground.

Tho' small, we are never forgotten;
Tho' weak, we are never afraid;
For we know the dear Lord keepeth
The life of the creatures He made.

I fly through city and country,
I alight on many a spray;
I have no chart or compass
But I never lose my way.

I just fold my wings at nightfall
Wherever I happen to be;
For the Father is  always watching
And no harm can come to me.

I am only  a little sparrow,
A bird of low degree;
But I know that the Father loves me,
Dost Thou know His love for thee?
~Author Unknown

Photo from Google Images

March 12, 2010

New Blog Design

Today I was delighted to read that Blogger released a new feature that allows you to choose from several templates, edit the colors of your blog, and change the number of columns your blog has. It's all located in a handy page that has a live preview so you can instantly see if you like changes that you're making. I chose the Picture Template and then selected a picture of blossoms for my background. Then, I made my blog into 3 columns and tweaked the margins a bit. I love the new design!

I encourage all of you to have a look as there are lots of cool colors and customizable templates. To use these new tools, click on the Layout tab and click on Template Designer.