March 30, 2010

Hurricane Hunters

A couple of weeks ago, we had the opportunity to join other home-schoolers to meet the Hurricane Hunters and have a tour of their aircraft. If you're not familiar with the Hurricane Hunters, they are a squadron of the US Air Force who fly into hurricanes and tropical storms to get updated weather data. They play a crucial role in providing important information to local weather stations who, in turn inform the public on the nature of the storm.

We were glad to be able to meet these brave airmen(and women!) who fly directly into violent storms on a regular basis. They were friendly and answered all the questions we had regarding their job and the plane they fly. We are grateful for the work that they do to keep us well-informed on storms that may be threatening Bermuda or the coastal regions of the United States.

 Jude really enjoyed the outing!

If you would like to read more about the Hurricane Hunters, you can visit their website by clicking here.

As a quick side note: I've added a poll in the right sidebar, and I encourage all of you to vote for your favorite topic that I write about. Thanks in advance!


Haley said...

Wow, that's really neat!! It sounds like y'all had fun! :)

Love and hugs,

Anonymous said...

With the satellite's and modern aircraft, our six plane Squadron 114 using Privateers flying out of Miami in 1945 and working on a hurricane warning system seems pretty insignificant. But it was a start. Good to see the Air Force doing such a good job today.

Kelsianne said...

What a fun experience!