March 16, 2010

Update on My Arm

My fractured arm has been hurting quite a bit so last week I called the orthopedic surgeon's office. The nurse told me to keep it "immobile" and keep it in the splint. She also said that I need to use a sling to keep it elevated until my next appointment with the doctor on Thursday. This means that I'm not allowed to crochet, knit, or do anything that requires the use of both hands. She also mentioned that my hand may need to be put in a cast if it isn't healing correctly. I'm praying that my arm doesn't need a cast because that'll mean more time on the mend and probably physical therapy after the cast comes off. I really miss helping Mom around the house and wish I could keep my hands happily occupied by playing piano or working on a knitted hat.

Unfortunately, I managed to fracture my left hand and I'm left-handed so I can't write or do much school work. However, I've been trying to use this time wisely by catching up on some reading and doing more studying.  I've also been helping Leah and Jude with their school work.

On a brighter note... :-) Spring is just around the corner and it couldn't come sooner! We've been getting plenty of rain over the past few weeks and the winter gales have been quite frequent. More recently though, everything seems to be getting greener outside, the birds are singing more chipper tunes, and the flowers are blooming in abundance! I'm planning on taking pictures of the bulb pants that have suddenly sprung up in our garden and of the leaves are starting to emerge on our peach tree! 

What are some of the signs of nearing spring time in your neighborhood? Please let me know what's happening in your area this time of year! Hope you all are having a wonderful week!


Jenna said...


I will continue to pray for your arm, that the Lord heals it quickly!
I am so excited that Spring is coming! The weather is warming up, and I have a feeling that in the next couple of weeks, the temperature will rise to about 80 degrees or so... Maybe a little cooler, or maybe a little warmer. I am not quite sure! :)
I pray that you are having a blessed Tuesday!

Your Sister In Christ,

Taylor said...

Oh, I'll definitely keep praying about your arm! I'm sorry you aren't able to continue knitting or crocheting!

I agree--spring could not come sooner! I just love the springtime... it's one of my favorite seasons for sure. :) Let's see, some of the signs around our area are when we start seeing a lot of birds flying around (particularly Robins!) and when things begin to turn green again! ...Everything has been so dry and dead lately that's it nice to actually see some flowers blooming and the trees coming back to life! :D

Well, I wanted to let you know that I just tagged you over at my blog. :) I hope you have a great rest of the week!
