November 30, 2010

Under Construction

Yep, it’s that time again. I’m redesigning my blog. My dear friend Emily at Practically Pink designed my blog a couple of months ago and did a fabulous job. Blogger is now offering some fancy fonts to people who use their templates so I’m going to give it a go myself.

So over the next few days, if things look a little odd then just remember that a new design is in the works. ;)

I’d appreciate your input and ideas as I work to redesign this little blog of mine. And maybe, just maybe there will be a giveaway when I’m done. ;)

Hope y’all are having a wonderful week!

eden signature 22

November 27, 2010

A Few of My Favorite YouTube Videos

Well, I haven’t been blogging a lot lately. Partly because I have writer’s block. And then there’s nothing really blog-worthy happening in my life right now. Sad, I know. But the past few weeks have been busy, monotonous, and actually a bit boring.

So since I can’t think of anything to write about, I decided to share a handful of my favorite YouTube videos. Please be sure to turn on your speakers as all the videos have audio. When you’re finished watching, let me know which one is your favorite!

1} Our first video is actually a song sung by Lenny LeBlanc –one of my favorite artists. “All for Love” is a beautiful worship song just expressing how much we appreciate Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross for us.

You can read the lyrics to this song here

2} This next video is truly amazing. Just have a look and then tell me what you think about Nick.

3} Video number 3 is one of my family’s top favorites. “Creation Calls” was written by Christian songwriter Brian Doerksen and simply celebrates the power of God in Creation.

So there are my three favorite YouTube videos. Which one is your favorite? And what are your 3 favorite YouTube videos? Tell me all about it in a comment below!

Thanks for reading {and watching!}, friends! I hope this weekend is a blessed one for you!eden signature 22

November 22, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Well, I figured since I can’t decide what I want to post about then I should do a Miscellany Monday thing. Haha!

As you all know, these past few weeks have been super busy for me. Here’s why:

{1} I’m still trying to finish college registration, get textbooks, and sort out everything else related to college.

{2} I’m studying for the GED test that I’ll be taking in just 3 short weeks!

{3} I’m also keeping busy with home stuff like chores, studying Algebra, and just helping Mom around the house.

{4} Winter is coming! December is just around the corner and the temperatures are dropping slowly but steadily. If you’re a regular reader here, you’ll know that I just LOVE crispy mornings and we’ve been having lots of those lately!

{5} I’m continuing to work on my blog domain mess. My new domain name is: So, make sure you tell all your friends so no one loses out my good posts. ;)

I hope everyone has a lovely week!

eden signature 22

November 16, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy…oh, and Internet Problems!

I must sincerely apologize for leaving my blog for so long. It’s been nearly a week since I published my last blog post!

The past few days have been super busy for me. I’ve been quite preoccupied with getting ready for college. On Friday, I officially registered at Bermuda College. Then I returned to the college yesterday to just walk around campus and get a feel for  where all my classes are located while running a few errands there.

In addition to college registration, I’ve been busy studying for the GED test that is coming up in just 3 weeks. Math is my weakest subject so I’ve been working through an Algebra book to brush up on my Math skills. It’s not fun but I’m trying to enjoy it as these are also the last few weeks of homeschool for me. Yes, I’m graduating next month too!

And to make it even more difficult to blog here, I’ve been having some problems with my internet lately. I’m hoping to get it all fixed later today but for now I’m writing this post from the hotel’s lounge where they have a WiFi service.

Oh, and blogging isn’t the only thing that has taken a “back seat'”. Emails, craft projects, and a ton of other stuff have been getting neglected. :( Well, I guess I shouldn’t ramble on about how busy I am…I’m sure you all can relate at some time or another.

I hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying this autumn! Since I don’t have comment moderation turned on, your comments will be published automatically –regardless of if I have internet or not. So go ahead and say hello! Tell me what you’ve been up to and what’s been keeping you busy. I can’t wait to hear from y’all.

eden signature 22

November 8, 2010

Miscellany Monday

So I decided to participate in my 3rd Miscellany Monday in a row. It’s been so much fun and I just love the randomness.


{1} It’s a rainy day. Okay, I know that’s totally random but we haven’t had a real rainy day in a while. I love sunny days too, but there’s something cozy about rainy days. It’s cool outside, a slight breeze, and I’m curled up inside with my laptop. :) Oh, how I love autumn!

{2} I’m loving my new blue iPod shuffle. It has VoiceOver which tells you name of the song you’re listening to and also offers playlists so I can separate my worship songs from quiet, studying songs. :D


{3}  Tomorrow, I’ll be going to the college to finish registering and I’m so excited! Someone left a comment about online classes, and my parents and I have talked about that possibility. However, I’ll be attending the local college which is about 45 minutes away from where I live so I’ll be able to come home everyday. I did look for nursing degrees that are offered online but wasn’t able to find any. Oh, well. :)

{4} I’m thinking about hosting a vegan challenge. Anyone interested? ;)

Well, I hope everyone has a lovely Monday! Look out for my Feelin’ Feminine post a little later.

eden signature 22

November 1, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Since last week’s Miscellany Monday post was so much fun, I decided to participate again!


I’M THINKING…about switching from Blogger to WordPress. Just thinking about it. WordPress seems to have quite a few features that I really love that Blogger doesn’t. We’ll see though…it seems like the transfer process might involve a lot of work so I might not do it after all.

I’M LOOKING…for new ideas for the Skype homeschool get-together. So far, we’ve had two get-togethers and they were lots of fun. But I feel like I need to do more –make each one unique. If you have an idea for the get-togethers, please, please share it in a comment!

I’M WONDERING…why I got only 4 comments on my last blog post. Yeah, I know that 4 comments is a lot for many bloggers out there, but I’m accustomed to getting 9 or 10. But then again, I haven’t been leaving comments on my followers’ blogs lately so that might be the reason. {Note to self: Comments are both give and take.}  :)

bracesI’M LOOKING FORWARD TO…getting on with my braces. I’ve had my braces on for 3 years now and I’m actually getting tired of them. When I first got them, I really loved them and thought that they were cute. But now I’m 16, and I really just want them to be gone. Haha! They are difficult to clean; and I’d really prefer to have a braces-free smile. My braces “treatment” {if that’s what it’s called} has been on hold for the past 3 months or so because I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled and then wait for my mouth to heal afterwards. My next appointment with the orthodontist is in 3 weeks so hopefully she’ll get my teeth moving again and we can continue moving towards my goal of a pretty smile. :)

I’M NERVOUS ABOUT…college. Oh, yeah, I am. ;) I’ve been homeschooled since the beginning and have studybooksnever been in a “school setting” so this will be quite different for me. I’ll miss all those fun homeschool field trips and just the flexibility that I’ve enjoyed with homeschooling. I’m going to a public college so I’m sure I’ll meet people that don’t share my beliefs, morals, etc. But even though I’m slightly nervous, I’m also excited too. I’m looking forward to learning, and gaining valuable knowledge that I’ll use after college to help people feel better…and even better, maybe I’ll become a missionary nurse and be able to share the Gospel at the same time.

I’M EXCITED ABOUT…the Feelin’ Feminine challenge that I’ll be hosting this week. The challenge begins this Thursday {Nov. 4th} and I’d love for y’all to join! Please click here to find out how you can participate.


So, what are you thinking, wondering, looking forward to, or nervous about? I’d love to hear what’s on your mind in a comment below!
