November 22, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Well, I figured since I can’t decide what I want to post about then I should do a Miscellany Monday thing. Haha!

As you all know, these past few weeks have been super busy for me. Here’s why:

{1} I’m still trying to finish college registration, get textbooks, and sort out everything else related to college.

{2} I’m studying for the GED test that I’ll be taking in just 3 short weeks!

{3} I’m also keeping busy with home stuff like chores, studying Algebra, and just helping Mom around the house.

{4} Winter is coming! December is just around the corner and the temperatures are dropping slowly but steadily. If you’re a regular reader here, you’ll know that I just LOVE crispy mornings and we’ve been having lots of those lately!

{5} I’m continuing to work on my blog domain mess. My new domain name is: So, make sure you tell all your friends so no one loses out my good posts. ;)

I hope everyone has a lovely week!

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