November 1, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Since last week’s Miscellany Monday post was so much fun, I decided to participate again!


I’M THINKING…about switching from Blogger to WordPress. Just thinking about it. WordPress seems to have quite a few features that I really love that Blogger doesn’t. We’ll see though…it seems like the transfer process might involve a lot of work so I might not do it after all.

I’M LOOKING…for new ideas for the Skype homeschool get-together. So far, we’ve had two get-togethers and they were lots of fun. But I feel like I need to do more –make each one unique. If you have an idea for the get-togethers, please, please share it in a comment!

I’M WONDERING…why I got only 4 comments on my last blog post. Yeah, I know that 4 comments is a lot for many bloggers out there, but I’m accustomed to getting 9 or 10. But then again, I haven’t been leaving comments on my followers’ blogs lately so that might be the reason. {Note to self: Comments are both give and take.}  :)

bracesI’M LOOKING FORWARD TO…getting on with my braces. I’ve had my braces on for 3 years now and I’m actually getting tired of them. When I first got them, I really loved them and thought that they were cute. But now I’m 16, and I really just want them to be gone. Haha! They are difficult to clean; and I’d really prefer to have a braces-free smile. My braces “treatment” {if that’s what it’s called} has been on hold for the past 3 months or so because I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled and then wait for my mouth to heal afterwards. My next appointment with the orthodontist is in 3 weeks so hopefully she’ll get my teeth moving again and we can continue moving towards my goal of a pretty smile. :)

I’M NERVOUS ABOUT…college. Oh, yeah, I am. ;) I’ve been homeschooled since the beginning and have studybooksnever been in a “school setting” so this will be quite different for me. I’ll miss all those fun homeschool field trips and just the flexibility that I’ve enjoyed with homeschooling. I’m going to a public college so I’m sure I’ll meet people that don’t share my beliefs, morals, etc. But even though I’m slightly nervous, I’m also excited too. I’m looking forward to learning, and gaining valuable knowledge that I’ll use after college to help people feel better…and even better, maybe I’ll become a missionary nurse and be able to share the Gospel at the same time.

I’M EXCITED ABOUT…the Feelin’ Feminine challenge that I’ll be hosting this week. The challenge begins this Thursday {Nov. 4th} and I’d love for y’all to join! Please click here to find out how you can participate.


So, what are you thinking, wondering, looking forward to, or nervous about? I’d love to hear what’s on your mind in a comment below!


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