March 26, 2010

A Broken Arm

I decided to get a second doctor's opinion on my arm. It's been hurting constantly since I fell over a month ago and Dad and Mom agreed it would be a good idea to see another doctor. The doctor I first saw (Dr. C) told me that it should feel much better within 2 weeks but after nearly 3 weeks of constant pain we decided to get an appointment see another orthopedic surgeon.

So this Thursday, Dad took me to see Dr. T. I'm glad that I saw another doctor because it turns out that I actually broke my arm instead of fracturing it as we were told at first. Dr. T did agree with the first doctor and said that my wrist should heal just fine in the splint but I shouldn't be exercising it as Dr. C said. Instead, I need to leave it in the splint and sling for another three weeks and should try to avoid using it too much. And after the splint comes off, I'll have to attend physical therapy to regain proper use of my arm and make sure I use it properly.

Sometimes I'm able to crochet by using my right hand more than I normally would when crocheting. It's slow going but I'm making progress on the baby blanket. :-)

I got a new sling that has better support for my arm. :-)

Hope you all have had a good week and I pray that you all will enjoy this weekend.


Marissa said...

I'm sorry about the not-so-good news... but I'm glad you actually know what's wrong now!
Blessings, Eden!

Haley said...

I hope it's feeling better soon!

Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness, Eden... it's a good thing you got a second opinion! I hope your arm heals very soon!! =)

Laura said...

I'm so sorry about your arm! I hope that heals up really soon!
Wow I can't believe you are crocheting with one hand!!!! Very impressive. :)
The pattern I'm using for the baby blanket is really just one I made up my self! :) I just cast on 100 stitches and then go until it looks big enough!
Anyway, hope you will be feeling better soon.

Taylor said...

Oh, my! I'm so glad you decided to get that second opinion, Eden! I can't believe it was actually broken... yikes! I'll continue praying for it to heal quickly and without any trouble at all. :)

~ Taylor

Moe said...

I'm glad that you finally know what is wrong with your arm. Mixture of good news and bad news though. I'm sorry that you have to go to a physical therapist. I know that you did not want to.


Rachel said...

Oh, you poor dear! :( I am sorry it is actually broken, but sooo glad that your wise parents took you to get another opinion! :) I'll be keeping you in my prayers! :) Love your spirit in keeping up with your crocheting! ;) Hugs!

Many blessings and prayers!

Lacy said...

Ah, I hope your arm gets to feeling better soon, Eden!

I remember when my brother fractured his wrist/arm and had to keep it in a cast for a while. =(

Love in Jesus,
~ Lacy
A Godly Maiden