May 18, 2010

Spring Fun

Sorry for the lack of posts recently! I can think of so many excuses why I haven't done any writing here this past week or so. I guess the main reason excuse why I haven't posted anything is  that we've been having exceptionally good weather! The indoor hobbies have been somewhat neglected and in it's place, I've taken up outdoor hobbies like gardening, collecting seashells, and bird watching! A friend of mine gave me a lovely camera and I've been having lots of fun using it! So with so much to do outside, I haven't done as much writing. (Look out for details and pictures of the camera on my photography blog!)

My arm is nearly 100% better and I had my last doctor's appointment for it last week. I'm continuing my weekly appointments with the occupational therapist but am almost finished with that as well! Once again, I want to thank you all for your prayers for my arm! Now that I'm much better, I've been busy helping Mom around the home and have started doing my chores again. It's been good to be able to give Mom a helping hand and ease her burdens!

In my spare time, I've been trying to sew my first jumper dress! I've made several skirts and aprons but haven't made a dress before. I wasn't able to find a good pattern here so I'm making it up as I go along. :-) It's taking a bit of thought but hopefully it'll turn out fine. I'll be sure to post pictures when I'm finished!

Okay, so that's what I've been up to! What have you been doing? Leave a comment and let me know your favorite spring activities!



Jenna said...

The weather has been pretty nice where I live... Definitely hot! We had a lot of rain yesterday.
My Springtime activities include mainly swimming, bike riding, walking, cooking, sewing, helping out around the house, and finishing school!
I have many other activities as well, but I just thought I'd list the ones I do most. I also get together with friends, go to the beach, and much more!
Thank you for the update, Eden! It is always nice to know how you are doing!
Have a blessed Tuesday evening!

Your Sister In Christ,

Brooke O'Shea said...

Mm, sounds as if you have had a wonderful time. I am glad to hear your arm is doing better!
The weather here has been eitherquite warm or raining and cold. I think May is having an identity crisis (is it April or is it June). As for my favourite spring hobbies- reading (all those books I got for Christmas), gardening anf walking around our neighborhood!
Enjoy your lovrly weather!
Through Christ,

Laura said...

I'm so glad your arm is doing better!! Spring has come and gone here in Tx!! Summer is here in full force! :) In other words its really, really H O T!!!
Anyway, I will be on my way this morning to go help a momma with some cleaning soon! I'll be spending the night with them too!
How have you been? Enjoy that spring weather!! :)
Hope you are well!

Leah said...

Dear Eden,

Thanks so much for commenting and following my blog!! It's a joy to "meet" you. ;)

You have a beautiful blog!

You sound quite busy and I hope your jumper turns out nicely. :)

I am glad your arm is better... did you break it?

I haven't been doing all that much.. School, testing, enjoying the outdoors and knitting a purse. :)

Thank you again for your comments and following my blog! :D



Johanna said...

I have awarded you over at my blog Eden!

Rachel Beth said...

Hi Eden
I have been enjoying reading through your blog posts.

Spring is a wonderful month, and I agree that one should spend as much time outdoors as possible! :)
Here in South Africa we are in Autumn, but still having hot weather during the day.

I hope your arm will soon be completely well, and that your jumper turns out just as you hope.

God bless you.
In Christ