December 16, 2010

So much to do…

…so little time. With just three and a half weeks to go before the first day of college, I’ve been more busy than ever. I realize that this blog has been a bit neglected, and I’m sorry for the lack of real posts here. I can’t even remember the last time I posted a real photo, taken by me. photo (1)

These past few weeks, I’ve been busy getting textbooks, sorting out overlapping classes, and making sure all my college supplies are ready. I’ve been making pretty good progress though. I have 4 out of the 6 textbooks that I need for the first semester, and I’ll be getting 2 more from a friend later today.

I’ve sorted out my classes –all five of them. For the first semester, I will be taking Math, freshman English, Biology, College Skills {whatever that is!}, and a computer course. I’ll be enrolled full-time and take classes 5 days a week. 

Of course, I’ve also been getting the basic supplies you need for college like pencils, pens, plenty of highlighters, a hardcover 5-subject notebook, oh and a cool box of sticky-notes that works similar to a box of tissue…just pull one when you need it. :p

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this before, but in my 2nd year of college I’ll be visiting Southern Vermont University a few times to get a wider exposure and more hands-on training. So if any of you live in that area, maybe we’ll get to meet!

And how could my “update post” but complete without mentioning that I just got an iPod touch!! Yep, that’s right…I sold a few things I didn’t really need and was able to get enough money buy a brand new iPod! It is really cool and has so many features…I’ll have to write more about it in a later post. {By the way, that photo of my textbooks above was taken by my iPod. Not bad, eh?}

So what has everyone else been up to lately? Update me in a comment below!

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