December 5, 2010

So what do you think?

I’ve been working away at my blog design this past week and love the way it’s turned out. Instead of getting a pre-designed template from a great website like or, I used Blogger’s fabulous Template Designer. They’ve just recently rolled out some new features that include fancy fonts for the header and post titles.

It was a lot of fun tweaking all the settings in my Designer trying to find a design that really suits me. I got the background photo from an awesome website offers gorgeous stock photos for free. After finding this gorgeous photo of dandelions, I tweaked it a bit in Picnik {another favorite website of mine} and then added it to my unique design. The only thing left to do was adjust all the colors so everything matches the “yellow theme”.

I’m also trying out an interesting gadget called Wibya –it’s that yellow “toolbar” you see at the  bottom of your screen right now. You can use that handy little thing to quickly access recent posts and share my blog with all your friends. I think y’all will love it!

Okay, let’s put it this way: I’m not sure if this is the final design or not. I’m waiting to hear YOUR opinion, dear reader! Do you like it? Do you hate it? Too much yellow? Too much like spring? Is the little toolbar annoying? Or just perfect? Let me know your thoughts in a comment below!

Be on the look out for my almost-weekly Miscellany Monday post tomorrow morning so you can read about what I’ve been up to –besides blog designing, that is.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


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