October 10, 2009

Some Beautiful Pictures...

Wednesday was a beautiful day here in Somerset, Bermuda. My younger siblings Leah and Jude wanted to take a walk around the property and I thought it was a good idea. One of my favorite hobbies is nature photography. I particularly enjoy photographing small flowers and capturing the beautiful petals that our Creator has painted. We also took pictures of the beach and some of the clouds we saw out to sea. I hope you enjoy them!

~pink zinnia in garden~

~beautiful yellow cosmos flower~

~large clouds brought rain that evening~

~ "Ocean Beach" ~

~Leah drew this beautiful heart in the sand~

~tall coconut palm trees~


Andrea Johnsen said...

The pink flower probably is a zinnia and the orange one looked like a cosmos but the leaves were like a marigold. Am I right or wrong?

Andrea Johnsen

Eden said...

Dear Andrea. I looked up the flowers you mentioned on the internet and the orange does appear to be a cosmos. The pink one is most likely a zinnia. Thank you for helping us identify these flowers. ~Blessings, Eden