January 5, 2010

Matthew 5:44 Challenge

I've been working hard on two challenges that I started on Jan. 1st. The first one is to read through the Bible in six months. The other challenge is to memorize Colossians 3 in twenty-five days with Living the Journey.  Both take a considerable amount of time.  I have to read an average of seven chapters per day to keep up with the Bible reading program. And it does take some time to memorize one verse every day while keeping in memory the previous verses you've completed. Then just yesterday, Jenna encouraged us to join her in the Matthew 5:44 Challenge! It's a really good one that I couldn't imagine missing out on so I've added that to my list of commitments. :-)

Here's how I'm keeping track off these challenges: First, I got a folder in my favorite color: red. Next, I printed off the Bible reading plan, Colossians chapter 3, and a couple of sheets of loose notebook paper. I also added several index cards which I've found handy when memorizing verses on a regular basis. I place the folder by my bedside so first thing when I wake up, and just before I go to sleep I can work on my commitments.  Each morning, I write out my memorization verse for that day on an index card, then I add the Bible passages I'm supposed to read that morning & evening.  I slip the index card into my Bible to keep that information handy.  To further help me in the study of God's Word, I also keep a list of the Bible verses I read that speak to me personally. Then once I'm finished my Bible reading, I can go back and study further.

So, I've definitely made progress!  Right now, I'm more than halfway through the book of Job and a mere 3% finished the reading plan. I've successfully memorized four verses of Colossians 3 and am working on verse five.

I'll be starting Jenna's challenge today by writing out Matthew 5:44 and hanging it up in our bedroom! If it turns out good, I'll photograph it and post it on our blog.

Please consider joining Jenna in the Matthew 5:44 Challenge and keep us updated by commenting on her blog or writing about it on yours.


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