January 29, 2010

What I've been doing...

I've been having lots of fun as I work to improve my skills in home making. :-)  This past week, Mom helped me sew a beautiful skirt. We had lots of fun working together. The fabric is beautiful and it is quickly becoming my favorite skirt. When it comes to sewing, I consider myself a beginner. However, with my desire to wear more modest clothing, it has become increasingly important that I practice my sewing skills. And each minute that I spend at the sewing machine, my love for sewing grows!

Earlier this month, I also made my first apron! I used a little creativity and planning to make it without a pattern. It took some thought to decide just how I'd like it to fit and then how to make it all come together but it turned out lovely. The new apron gives me a little incentive to do more in the kitchen! :-)

In addition to sewing, I've also been trying out different recipes for cookies. This week, I made wholesome "no-bake" cookies that tasted delicious. You can get the recipe here. Sorry, they disappeared before I could get a good picture of them. ;-)

Another one of my favorite hobbies is practicing on the piano. I love to play hymns and "improvise" to make my own arrangements for my favorite songs. I try to practice about 30 minutes every day, and can definitely see the benefits of consistent work. Like sewing, the more I play the piano, the more I enjoy it. :-)

With the Colossians 3 memorization challenge complete, I can now focus on the Bible reading challenge. The last few days of the memorization challenge, I slipped behind in my Bible reading so I can focus on memorizing the last verses of the chapter. Now, I have to get back on track with the Bible reading so I can finish in 6 months!

What have you been doing lately? What are some of your favorite hobbies or things to do around the home? Please share!


Unknown said...

WOW! both the apron and the skirt look great!! (you are very prettty by the way!)

I have been...hmmm...well school work has been busy, so I have been working on that. Oh, and my saxophone, I am preforming a solo for a contest sort of thing!

God Bless,
Lauren Anne

Emily said...

Beautiful blog! :) I am so glad I came across it.

Blessings- Emily

Taylor said...

Hi Eden & Sara,
I love your blog! Thank you so much for visiting mine and becoming a follower... and also for the sweet comment you left. :) It's always exciting to meet other like-minded Christian young ladies!!

...The skirt and apron are both so pretty! I love them! I do know how hard it is to dress modestly these days, so I'm sure your sewing skills come in quite handy! Unfortunately, I've never learned to sew, but that's something I should probably do! :)

Anyway, I really enjoyed reading your blog! I hope you have a very blessed weekend!


hannah m said...

Wonderful blog you've got here! Beautiful skirt and apron...I really need to get more into sewing:)

I love playing the piano, too, and also the violin, which I just recently started.
Have a wonderful day!
PS-If you'd like, you can visit my blog at