October 14, 2010

Hats for Romania --And They're Mailed!!

To the 24 friends who decided to join me in making hats for the Christian orphanage in Romania, I’d like to say thank you, thank you, thank you! When I first wrote about this project in August, I didn’t expect that so many ladies would join and use their love of crafting to help others. I’ve been pleasantly surprised, amazed and encouraged to see so many of you eager to help. I also heard from some of you who weren’t able to participate this year {for various reasons} but who would’ve liked to. Well, I’d like to say thanks for your interest as well. Maybe I’ll host something similar sometime in the future!
Today, we were able to mail the hats we knitted and crocheted for Romania. Even though the past few months have been busy ones here, my sisters Sara, Leah, and I were able to make 17 hats! It’s been such a blessing to be able to make warm hats for the poor children in Botosani, Romania! I’m glad that we were able to use our talents to help others.
The goal for this project was to knit, crochet, or sew 100 hats for the orphanage in Romania –one for each child. Many of you have left comments saying how many you mailed, but it’s difficult to keep track of numbers left in comments. So I’ve decided to set up a form for all the participants to fill in so we can find out just how close we were to meeting our goal!
If you participated in the Hats for Romania project, please click here to fill out the progress form!
Here are photos we took of the hats before they were mailed:
Did you write a blog post about the project? Please leave the link up below!
Hope everyone’s having a blessed week!

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