April 22, 2010

Giveaway Extended!

Thank you for all your entries, dear friends! I'm happy that everyone has had fun on this giveaway. Because I haven't spent much time on the computer of late, I haven't had a chance to answer everyone's questions regarding the giveaway. So for those of you who posted a question on the giveaway, you should see an answer in the comments section for the giveaway post shortly. Because some of the questions will directly affect the final score, the giveaway has been extended until midnight on Saturday.  The winner will be announced on Sunday!

If you haven't entered the giveaway, it's not too late to join. Please visit this post for information on how you can win a dishtowel and dishclothes set!


1 comment:

Frannie said...

Hello Eden! I'm excited for your giveaway and its sweet that you've extended it. I hope you too are having a good week!

Your comment was a blessing to me...I just had a very difficult test and was feeling blue when I opened your comment and recieved a smile! Thank you!

Havea blessed day!