April 4, 2010

Spring Gardening

This past week we've been blessed with lovely weather, and Mom thought it would be a perfect time to work on our garden. We spent the morning just weeding the garden --those weeds grow in quick and we had to carefully remove them without disturbing the delicate bulbs. Once we finished removing the weeds, we went to our local plant nursery and chose our favorite flowers: marigolds, geraniums, and allysums. We also purchased two lilacs that we've never grown before but I think they'll make a lovely addition to our garden family. :-) Gardening is a favorite hobby of mine and this mild spring weather was the perfect opportunity to revive our garden. 

These lilacs are so striking -we couldn't resist giving them a try in our garden!
We carefully dug around the bulbs and took out the weeds!

Mother enjoys gardening just as much as I do! Here she is carefully transplanting
a geranium plant to it's new home. :-)

I got in on the action too and helped remove weeds with my good hand. :-)
Jude planted these Allysum seeds around the border of the
garden. They should begin to germinate in a week and a half.

I've made quite a bit of progress on the mystery project, but if I post pictures it would no longer be a mystery! :-) So far, no one has guessed correctly. Hopefully, I'll finish it later this week and post pictures of the finished project and announce the surprise!


Just as quick reminder: If you haven't voted on my poll in the right sidebar, please do so. Thanks!


Kate said...

Ah, a fellow gardener! I love dig in the dirt and help things grow!

Vanessa said...

Your flowers are already so big! Mine are just beginning to come up. I love gardening!