April 7, 2010

Halfway There!

Photo from Google Images
The end of last month marked the halfway point for the challenge to read the Bible in six months. I must admit that I fell behind quite a bit a few weeks ago. I could blame a host of excuses such as a broken arm, getting up too late, daylight saving time, and so much more. But those are just excuses. So these past few weeks, I've been working on catching up. This challenge has highlighted to me the importance of setting aside time to read and study the Scriptures. It's so easy to get sidetracked or distracted, and set aside God's Word to do something else that seems important or urgent. But the psalmist says, "I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word." 

After lots of time put towards catching up, I'm only a week behind and just about halfway finished. I've been gaining blessings as I continue with this challenge. One special treat was when I received a new Bible as a gift from a youth ministry for joining their memorization challenge. This new Bible has my name inscribed on the cover and encourages me to dig deep into the Bible and search out the treasures stored there. Another blessing I've received as a result of joining this challenge, is being able to read the Bible from cover to cover chronologically. While I've read most of the Bible stories, it's been helpful to read through the events in the Bible in the order that they actually took place. For example, I read in the book of Samuel about David being pursued by King Saul. Then the Bible reading plan directs me to a psalm that David wrote during these trials. This adds context and meaning to the Psalms and makes for a well-rounded experience.

Even if you aren't a part of this challenge, I encourage you to set aside time to read God's Word. It's so easy to get distracted, but if you form the habit of reading regularly, it'll become easier. 

What is your favorite time of day to read the Scriptures? What do you enjoy most about your time in the Bible? Please leave a comment and let me know!


Moe said...

Good for you, girl! I need to take your example. I don't read my bible nearly enough! Thank you for your encouragement.


Kate said...

So very nice to "meet" you, Eden! I've enjoyed getting to know you and your blog.
Its always fun to meet a fellow Christian women!

I"m in the same boat. I fell behind in my bible reading as well, but I have been enjoying it so much - there is so much to be gleaned from the Word!

•Karis Brown• said...

Aw, I started doing the 3 month challenge! (too hard) hehe I'm still reading every day, just not as much. ;D

Love your blog!

Kaylene Elise said...

Eden! Its great to read how its going for you!

My favorite time of day to read, is usually in the evening before bed. But lately I've been reading more in the morning to make sure busyness that day doesn't keep me from it. I love to start out my day and end my day with God's Word!