June 25, 2010

Summer With A Purpose: Week Two

This week has been somewhat busy for me. I've been working hard at studying for the GED test and brushing up on my Math skills. :-) I think the best way for me to write about what I've done each week is to put my activities under these headings which are based on my goals for this summer.

{1}Bible Reading: I've been able to make a lot of progress towards my goal of finishing the Bible by the 30th. Right now, I'm reading through the book of Ephesians and I love all the teachings and instruction that are there!

{2}Crafts: I was able to complete another square for the 9-patch baby blanket. Right now, I'm trying to focus on finishing it before I begin the friendship afghan project. I've finished 6 out of 9 squares so I should be finished shortly! I also joined Desiree's Apron Swap. Each person will make an apron for another participant. The idea's similar to the friendship afghans! Please click here to get more information and sign up!

{3}Cooking: I tried a vegan "quick bread" recipe that doesn't need yeast so it's quick and easy to make. I was able to get it in the oven in just 10 minutes.  You can check out the recipe here. I'm sorry I didn't take pictures of my baking this week. Hopefully, I'll remember to bring out the camera next time.

{4}Homemaking: I've been helping Mom with keeping the house tidy and "in order" and today I tried my hand at some gardening. We started a small flower garden at the beginning of spring but the weeds grow in it oh-so-fast! But I love all the precious plants that bloom in our garden! Their Smiling faces make all my work well worth the effort. :-)

{5}Book Reading:  This week, I've been reading through Project Pearl by Brother David. It's a true story about the secret mission to smuggle a million Bibles into Communist China so that persecuted Christians within China can read the Bible for themselves. It's been an encouraging read to learn about how people suffered and went through great trials just to obtain the Scriptures. The book certainly helps me appreciate the Bible I have and enjoy reading it more often. :-)

What have you been up to this week? Hope you've been having a productive week!

Have a blessed weekend, friends!

P.S. My sister Sara just started a blog last week called Live, Love, Laugh. Please stop by and say hello. I'm sure you'll enjoy reading it as much as I do. :-)

All photos in this post are from Google Images.


Moe said...

Sounds like you have been very productive. I'm going to start the school year soon, so my summer break is almost done. I hope that you will do well on your GED when the time comes to take it... it sounds like you are getting well prepared!


Moe said...

Oh, how is your arm doing?

Unknown said...

My arm's doing much better, thanks for asking Moe! I still have some nerve sensitivity from having it in a splint for so long but it's fully functional! Thank you for all your prayers!

Jenna said...

It sounds like you've had a very productive week, dear friend!
It certainly feels wonderful to complete many tasks during the summer! :)
Have a blessed day!

Your Sister In Christ,

P.S. What program did you use to make your header? The font is lovely!

Unknown said...

Jenna, thanks for the compliments on the header. I used GIMP which is a free photo editing software. Google it and check it out! It's really handy!