June 1, 2010

Friendship Afghan: Guidelines

{Photo credit}
To make it easier for all my friends to join me in making friendship afghans, you can either knit or crochet your afghan squares -whichever craft you is easier for you. However, there will be a few guidelines we'll need to follow so that the squares are about the same size. 


1. You can use any needles or hooks you need to get an 7 inch square. Be creative and try different stitches and patterns for your squares, waves and color blends are a plus! However, try to avoid stitches that are lacy or have a lot of holes.

2. You can use any 100% acrylic, worsted weight yarn. Most acrylic yarns have the same washing instructions and acrylic yarn usually has the widest variety in stores. Vanna's Choice by Lion Brand is one of my favorite yarns and great for afghans so I'll probably use it. They have a wide variety of color choices to choose from; you can see some of the colors available on Lion Brand's Blog. However, feel free to try something new or have fun working with your favorite yarn!

3. It would be a good idea to set a time limit to complete the squares. This should help us to finish the project and add a little incentive to go through with it. We'll be making 12 afghan squares each, and I'd like to have them in the mail in about 4 months. So if we start on the 15th of June, we can complete the squares by mid-October! Once you receive all your squares, you can begin sewing them together and it's up to you how long you take to finish it off! What do you all think? Is four months enough time to make 12 squares or do you think you'll need more time to finish them? I would love to hear your thoughts on this!

4. In order to select colors that will match and make beautiful afghans, we'll need to choose a color theme (for example, autumn, pastels, pink and cream, blues). Once I have a complete list of participants, I'll set up a poll so we can vote on a theme! If you have a color scheme you would like to suggest for the poll, please leave a comment below!

I've tried to make the guidelines as flexible as possible so that everyone that's interested can join in. This is going to be lots of fun and I can't wait to start! It's important that I hear back from you if you're interested so I can get a list of participants, and we can start planning together!


P.S. From now on, I'll put "FA" in the blog post titles that are about the friendship afghans.


Hannah said...

I think this is fun idea Eden!
I do not think I will do it though. I don't work with acrylic yarns. Only wool yarn from our sheep sometimes other natural fibers also but mainly wool.
I do hope it goes well for you though and whoever else participates!
I am having a giveaway on my blog. The winner gets their choice of a sewing pattern from Marie Madeline Studio and the winner's choice of fabric to make it with . I hope you consider entering!

Blessings in Him,
Hannah of Marilla Heights <3

Melody said...

This sounds very good, Eden! I do hope more people will join.
I think 4 months sounds like plenty of time to make the squares. I might try to make mine over the summer, as I'll be going to college in the fall and will probably not have much time then!



Laura said...

That sounds like so much fun Eden!!
I think I will join you!!!
Four months sounds long enough to me.
I was wondering is an afghan square any diffrent that just making regular 7in square?
Can wait to see who will join! :)

Leah said...

I think I can do this. :)

I may have to ask my parents because of school work that am still doing...

But I will try and get back to you just be sure my time will allow it. :)

I will definitely try to think of some ideas of a color scheme. :)

Sounds fun!


Moe said...

I would join, but I don't think that my parents would want me giving out my address. I'm sorry :(. I would if I could! It sounds like a lot of fun! You come up with some good ideas Eden!


Unknown said...

Laura ~ An afghan square is just like making a regular 7in. square! :-)

Leah ~ Were you able to get your parent's permission to join us? Please let me know!

Moe ~ Perhaps, your parents would let you give out a P.O. Box address instead of your street address? Hoping you can join us!
