February 20, 2010

Bible Reading Progress

Thank you all for praying for me and my family! The cold wasn't too bad, I was sick the rest of the afternoon and a good part of Friday but felt much better this morning. Leah caught it too, and Mom and Dad feel "under the weather" today but they should feel better soon!

This weekend, I've been spending time catching up on the Bible reading I wasn't able to do while I was sick. Because we need to read about seven chapters a day to keep up with the challenge, it's quite easy to fall behind.  I only skipped a few evenings but had to spend a considerable amount of time getting caught up this morning. Now I'm a quarter (or 25%) finished reading the Scriptures! It's truly been a blessing to be a part of Kaylene's Bible reading challenge.

Hope you all are having a blessed day and have an enjoyable weekend!




Jenna said...

I'm glad you are feeling better, Eden! What a blessing! :)
That is so wonderful that you are in the midst of a Bible reading challenge. What a great way to get your Bible reading done daily!
I need to work on reading my Bible more often. It is the greatest book in the world, and I feel so thankful to have one that I can pull out and read! :)
I hope you are having a blessed Saturday evening! I will continue to pray for your family.

Your Sister In Christ,

Lacy said...

So glad you're feeling better, Eden! =)

I've been making some progress on my Bible reading, too. Though I'm not doing the challenge or reading a set number of chapters per day, I have been reading it every evening before bed. I just finished Revelations the other night (I was reading Ephesians through Revelations), and last night started at Genesis. I want to read through the whole Bible... something I've never done before!

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

~ Lacy
A Godly Maiden
Thy Word Forever (Scripture graphics)