February 9, 2010

Blueberry Pecan Cookies

My sister Leah and enjoy baking and on Sunday, we decided to bake some cookies. We rarely use recipes and love to bake using our imagination and, most times, the results are delicious. ;-)

We decided to use up some of the fruits we had around and measured everything as we mixed it in so we can give the recipe to you all if it turned out right. :-)

Blueberry Pecan Cookies

5 fresh bananas
15 pitted dates
1 cup of blueberries
1 cup of chopped pecans, raw
1/4 cup of carob powder (optional, similar in taste to chocolate)
2 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cups of rolled oats
1/2 tsp of salt
3/4 cup of warm water

First, put the oven on preheat at 350 degrees. Then blend the bananas and dates until smooth. You may need to add a little water to help it blend.

Next mix the flour, oats, carob powder, and salt together.

Add the blended fruit to the mixing bowl and add the warm water. Stir completely.

Then add the chopped pecans and blueberries. 
Use two spoons to scoop the dough into the pan. Use the back of a spoon to help "form" the cookie.

They should look something like this:

Bake for about 30 minutes or until the tops are crispy. Enjoy!

All of us agree that the cookies were the best we've tasted in a LONG time! If you try our recipe, please add a comment and let us know how they turned out. 



Lindsay said...

Mmmmm... those look really good, girls! Hehe... I usually like to stick to a recipe. I'm not brave enough to make one up myself. :D

~ Love & Blessings,

Jenna said...

Wow, those cookies look great! I will have to try making them sometime! :)

Your Sister In Christ,

Hannah said...

I like making up recipes too! Normally I just take a recipe and totally change it around- it's fun!
We just used up some dates that my Mama bought a couple weeks ago otherwise I probley would try the recipe out. We rarely get dates so it was a treat!