February 18, 2010

I've Got the Cold!

Sara had the cold a few days ago, and now it looks like I've got it too. I really don't like colds, and hope this one isn't too bad. You probably won't see me writing/commenting for the next day or so as I'm going to try and focus on getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of fluids.

I thought I had enough yarn to do both projects for the knit/crochet-along but it looks like I need to take a trip to the yarn store before I can begin. So, I'll let you know as soon as I get the yarn.

Hope you all have a blessed day!



Jenna said...

I will be praying that the Lord heals you, Eden! I just got over TWO colds! Hopefully your's will not last too long.
Just know that you are in my prayers!

Your Sister In Christ,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."
~ Proverbs 3:5 ~

Lindsay said...

Oh, I hope you feel better soon, Eden! Me and my family have been fighting some colds this week too. Not fun. But we've been watching lots of good movies and eating some yummy soups, so that makes it a little easier. ;)

~ Love and Hugs,
Lindsay <3

Moe said...

I'm sorry Sara and Eden *hugs*. I know how that feels! I'm in a family of ten so when one person gets sick a lot of us usually catch it too. I hope that none of your other siblings get it.

Moe said...

Our poodles name is Devin. Thank you for following my blog!
