September 24, 2010

New Commenting System!

Okay, I took the plunge I decided to replace Blogger’s commenting system with Disqus. The main reason why I made the switch is that I’m tired of having non-threaded comments. In other words, when someone asks me a question I have to leave a whole new comment to answer. And that answer appears as a new comment –not as a reply to the comment that I’m trying to answer! But with Disqus, if someone asks me a question, I can reply to that question and the reply will be “threaded” and will appear indented under the question I’m answering. Here’s an example:

blogcommentreply To use Disqus, you don’t need to be registered with any particular social website although you can sign in using Twitter, Yahoo!, and OpenID. If you don’t have an account with any of those websites, just select “guest” and fill in your info. And be sure to add your blog link too, so your name will be linked to your blog!

So go ahead and give the new comment system a try!

Thanks in advance for helping me test this new feature! Happy commenting!

1 comment:

Martha Joy said...

That's neat! I like that way, too! It just seems much nicer...that way you don't have TONS of comments! ;)
Much love,
Martha Joy