September 11, 2010

What’s Been Happening Around Here….

This week was a busy one for me. Even though we homeschool year-round, our school schedule is more relaxed in the summer time. This week we just started homeschooling again in earnest, and I’ve been going ahead full-time with my school studies. Right now, I’m preparing for the GED test that I’ll be taking in December.

On Wednesday, Mom and I had the opportunity to meet with the Director of Nursing Education at our local college. There’s just one college on the island and they’ve just started to offer a nursing program. I was delighted to learn that I won’t have to leave the island to study to become a nurse! Actually, it’s possible that I’ll be able to start college courses this January –just a few weeks after I graduate from homeschool. :-) Please continue to pray that God will direct my steps and that I will always do His will for my life.

In addition to studying for tests in December, I’m also helping my younger siblings get back into their school routine. Even though it isn’t always fun or easy to tutor them, it’s great practice! Each time I do my duties around the home and help Mom with homeschooling, I’m gaining invaluable experience that will only help me should I become a wife and mother in the future. :-)

Yesterday, we had an interesting experience…I was chatting with my lovely friend Jenna on Skype and I was just about to tell her that there was a thunderstorm in our area. Then suddenly a large bolt of lightning struck just outside our living room window –just a few feet away from where I was sitting! The thunderclap was so LOUD that my ears were sore for awhile afterwards. My sister Sara was sitting on the couch and she had a ceramic mug and metal spoon. The mug just broke up in her hand! I’m so grateful that we were all fine! The lights dimmed and the fans spun slowly, but the electricity was restored about 2 hours later by our power company. The bolt also fried our internet modem. Thankfully, Dad was able to purchase a new modem. But now our wireless router doesn’t work so we’re praying we can have it fixed on Monday.

I should apologize for a photo-less blog post. I’ve been so busy these past few weeks I just haven’t been taking many pictures. But I plan on using the camera more often next week so look out for some photos here in a few days. :-) Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!

What have you been up to this week? Did you start school again? Have you had any scary experiences with thunder? Share your thoughts in a comment below!


Sereina said...

I'll be praying that you will be prepared for you testing. That's great you'll be able to become a nurse without going far!

We start our homechool Monday, which is also when our co-op starts.

Wow! You must have had some storm! I'm glad your all okay.

Much love,

Taylor said...

I bet you are *so* excited about finishing up your homeschooling and the prospect of starting nursing school. I'll be praying that it turns out to be a wonderful experience for you!

Oh, my! That must have been a pretty intense thunderstorm! I remember the LOUDEST thunder I ever heard was actually while my family was driving in the car with my friend Lindsay (at Content in Christ) and her sister Haley! lol We took a trip to meet their family last summer and on our way to a museum or something it was storming pretty hard... when all of a sudden we heard this HUGE clash of thunder that made us all jump! (Nothing dangerous happened, it just scared us. :D) Anyway, that was the first thing that came to my mind when you asked. :)

I hope y'all are able to get the router fixed soon! Have a lovely weekend, dear friend! <3


Jenna said...

I am so glad that you and your family are okay from the thunderstorm, dear friend!
I know that you will complete the GED test with no porblems... You are such a bright young lady!
May the Lord bless you!

Your Sister In Christ,

Unknown said...

hi i like the blog very much.