July 26, 2010


UPDATE (Aug. 12' 10): The technical glitch has been fixed and you can visit my blog by either clicking on the post title or the blog name. Please let me know if you are still have difficulty visiting my blog or if it displays incorrectly.

To read this post, please click on "Growing in Him" just above these words ^.  Apparently, there's a technical glitch that's making it difficult to view my latest blog post by using the direct link on my Blogger Dashboard. Whenever someone clicks on the title of my post (e.g. A Visit to Fort St. Catherine), a blank blog page opens up. It's annoying but there's a way around this glitch. Instead of clicking on the title of the post, please click on my blog name (Growing in Him). See example below. This should take you to my blog's homepage which automatically displays my latest blog post.

I'm not sure what's causing this problem or how it can be fixed but I've noticed a drop in comments over the past week or so which means that you all are probably having problems getting to my blog. If you're reading this post, please leave a comment letting me know that you're still able to visit. And if you have any idea how I can fix this problem, please, please let me know that too in a comment!

So go ahead and let me know you're all still out there reading my blog!

Thanks in advance!


KyAnn said...

I read the post! I hope you'll check out my online, Christian magazine for tween/teen girls: http://bloommagazine.webs.com. It would make my day if you subscribed and applied for the staff, if you're interested! Thanks so much, Eden! I love your blog, by the way, and I'm a follower! :)

Eldarwen said...

It did happen to me on your last post, but not on this one. Hmm.... :/
When I had trouble viewing it, I just clicked on your 'Home' link to view your last post, and it worked. :-) *hugs*


Shelley said...

Still able to visit. Unfortunately, I don't know how to fix the problem, though I hope you find someone who can! :)

Sonja Langford said...

I can visit your blog Eden! I'm not sure what happened or how to fix it. But I did notice that you have been having some trouble with your posts {I just figured it was on my side!} :-) I'll pray that things move back to normal soon!


Mia said...

Still able to visit your lovely blog, Eden! :)

Marissa said...

I'm reading it!

Johanna said...

Still able to visit!!!! But you are right, when I get to your homepage, I clicked the tital of your post, only to have it bring me to a blank page....Hmmmm! Strange!

I hope it works itself out soon!

Also, I have not visited for a while, and was pleasantly surprised with the new look! I LOVE it!!! So very pretty!


Jenna said...

I was able to view the post! I never click on the link to the post... I have always clicked on the blog name! It seems to work better!


Lindsay said...

I'm able to visit, Eden. I have no idea what could be causing the problem. I hope you're able to get it fixed though! :)

-- Much love,
Lindsay <3

Brooke O'Shea said...

Oh dear, I have been meaning to mention something...I am sorry! I am still able to make it here though.
I hope you will be able to fix it!
Through Christ,

Sereina said...

I've always clicked on the actual blog link, and have never had any problems. Hopefully you can resolve it soon.

Moe said...

Still here!! :)


Unknown said...

I can read it!!!