July 2, 2010

Summer With A Purpose: Week Three

I was quite productive this week! And met a couple of goals, too! Here's what I was able to do this week, with God's grace:

Photo from Google Images

{1}Bible Reading: I was able to finish the 6-month Bible reading challenge on Wednesday. It was such a blessing to read through Scripture for the first time! If you haven't read all of the Bible, please consider doing so! I'm sure you won't regret it! :-)

{2}Crafts: I've completed all the squares for the 9-patch baby throw and finished sewing them together. Now I'm working on a border and yarn ends; look out for finished photos early next week!

Delicious treats!
{3}Cooking: This week I "invented" a new recipe which my family loves. It is similar to a snack bar but more fruity --and delicious. :-) I also made up a watermelon/pineapple blend which was tasty too. I'll be posting both recipes here soon.

{4}Homemaking: Today our garden got some much needed rain. We've been having a drought here over the last 6 weeks or so and much of the grass has dried up and turned brown. Because Bermuda has no rivers or streams, we rely on rain water to fill the underground tanks which are under each home. We do have natural, underground water reservoirs but they too are supplied by the rain and the supply there is low too. But this morning brought some much needed rain --and some thunder too! It's hard to tell if today's showers signal the end of the drought, but hopefully we'll get more regular rain. (Okay, I know this is the "Homemaking" heading but just had to mention the garden again! I'm thinking about taking out this category altogether because Cooking and Crafts are considered "Homemaking" skills. Perhaps this will become the "Gardening" section of my summer goals because I do need to work on gardening a bit more!)

{5}Book Reading: I'm still reading Project Pearl. It's a rather long book (over 300 pages), but I should finish it this weekend! Next on my reading list is Ships of Mercy by Don Stephens. That one should be interesting because I'm thinking about going into the medical field and the Mercy Ship sails from port to port sharing the Gospel and providing medical care to those who need it most.

So, that's my week in a nutshell! I hope you had a blessed and productive week too! Please share what the weather is usually like in your town or country during the summer months!

P.S. As you all know, I've been busy over the past few months and as a result, I haven't been keeping up with the awards that have been given to me. So, if you gave me an award within the past 3 months or so, please leave a comment and include a link to the post where the award can be found. Thanks!


Eldarwen said...

Hi Eden, thanks for following my blog!! :D And thanks for praying for my dad. Those snack bars look delicious!! You must love baking if you are brave enough to invent a recipe! lol :D I love baking, but I'm not THAT brave. :)


Jenna said...

Hi Eden!
First of all, I would like to thank you for all the sweet comments you have left on my blog recently! It has been so wonderful "getting to know" you! :)
It sounds like you've had a very productive week. Those snack bars look delicious!
Have a delightful day, dear friend!

Your Sister In Christ,

Moe said...

YUm! Those bars look scrumptiously good! Keep on experimenting...


Emily said...

I'm so glad your week was productive! I'm very much looking forward to that recipe... I'll be watching for it :) Sounds like a good one to try.

Oh, and I'm also looking forward to pictures of your baby throw! Sounds adorable. A friend of mine just announced that she's pregnant, so I'm in the mindset of what to make as baby gifts right now :D

Blessings on your week,

Anonymous said...

You go girl! I love that 'summer with a purpose' . . . You are encouraging and inspiring in your diligence! Hugs.

-Shani (Sweet Sojourney)

Rachel said...

Wonderful my dear! :D That's great that you were able to accomplish so much this week! :D I love your humble spirit about it all too. :) True that none of us can accomplish what we'd wish to without the Lord's help each day! ;)

That is just fabulous that you read all through the bible! :D Good for you! :D

Ooh, can't WAIT to see pictures of your baby blanket! :D It's going to be soo cute with the colors your chose! ;) I know it! :D

Mmm, those bars look delicious and the drink sounds fabulous! We just got a new blender thing that can do shakes and ice cream and things, so I'll have to try yours out this summer. ;)

Love and Hugs!
And have a blessed Independence Day weekend!