July 23, 2010

Summer With A Purpose: Week Six

Gazania: Sign of life in our garden!
Wow, has it really been six weeks since the start of summer?! It's so hard to believe that six weeks has flown by and August is just around the corner. Summer can be so much fun --especially when you're trying to be productive. ;-)

I know that my Friday SWAP posts are getting a bit repetitive, but I've been making progress on many of the same goals each week. Since we started in mid-June, I've finished reading through the Bible, completed the 9-patch baby blanket, discovered new favorite recipes, have been working on my homemaking skills, and finished reading a couple of books! Here are some new goals I'd like to meet between now and the end of August:

1. Organize a knit/crochet along to benefit orphans in Romania.
My family has known of Hand of Help's ministry for several years now
and have supported children in the orphanage that they run for needy kids
and orphans in Botosani, Romania. One summer, my sister Sara and I
decided to knit several hat and scarf sets and mailed them to the orphanage.
Needless to say, the clothing was greatly appreciated and we learned
just how easy it is bless others and be an encouragement. I'm planning to 
organize and host a knit/crochet along to encourage others to do be a blessing
 and use our talents wisely. Look out for more details on this next month! 

2. Continue progress on the friendship afghan.
Truth be told, I've managed to procrastinate a bit here. However, I'm hoping
to finish at least two squares next week. And I'll probably have even more
free time to crochet after my surgery...

3. Improve my piano skills and learn new songs.
I truly enjoy playing piano and creating new renditions of
my favorite hymns and Christian songs. I'm planning to
practice a few songs and then videotape them for you all to listen to here 
on my blog!

4. Continue working on my sewing skills and try new techniques and projects.
I'm just beginning to learn to sew and it's been soooo much fun! :-)
By the end of this summer, I would like to make at least one new skirt
and sew a handbag (or two!) and hopefully learn a few techniques
along the way. 

5. Read at least three books before the end of summer.
I still have quite a few unread books from when the book ship Logos Hope
was here. So I'm hoping to make some progress on the list and read
at least three books before summer ends!

I finally got an appointment date for my surgery: August 2nd. I'm so happy that the appointment is less than a week and a half from now as I won't have to think about it for too long. I'm praying that everything goes well and I don't have a rough recovery. Thanks for your continued support and encouragement. I've been blessed by the comments you all leave and it's a blessing to know that others are thinking of you and praying that everything goes well.

Have a blessed weekend, friends!


Sonja Langford said...

It looks like you had a productive week, Eden! :-) I'm so happy that your prayer was answered and your surgery isn't two far in the future. :-)

With Many Blessings,

Jenna said...

You have some wonderful goals for the end of summer. I look forward to your future SWAP posts!
I am so happy that your surgery appointment has been set. I will continue to pray for you, dear friend!

Your Sister In Christ,

Anonymous said...

I have to have surgery soon too. I will be praying for you!

Melody said...

Ooh, I'm excited to see some videos of your piano! I hope and pray that your surgery goes well.

By all means, please use the Corrie Ten Boom quote on your blog! I was so happy when I found it (actually in "Start Here" by the Harris twins) and it definitely deserves to be spread around. :)


Unknown said...

It sure sounds to me that you will have a VERY productive summer. I also plan to work on my sewing skill, music (only saxophone for me), and writing.

And thanks for the very nice comment you left on my blog.

God Bless you,
Lauren Anne