August 18, 2010

A Little Bit About Bermuda


On the reader survey I posted a couple of weeks ago, many of you mentioned  you’d like to know more about what it’s like to live in Bermuda. And since I haven’t really introduced you to my island home, I thought I should write an post about Bermuda!

Okay, so first the basics… Bermuda is an island in the Atlantic Ocean located about 600 miles off North Carolina’s coast. It is just 21 miles long and a mere one mile wide so we’re never more than a short walk away from the beach! Our climate is sub-tropical which keeps the temperature here mild year-round. We don’t have any rivers, lakes, or streams so we rely on rainfall for our fresh water. Our island is the top of an undersea mountain, complete with three extinct volcanoes!

bermuda2But I have to admit that life here is not very  different from life in any another Western country. We work, play, and go to school (or home school!) like most people do elsewhere. But I think what makes life here unique is the fact that the country we call home is so tiny! We only have one official city (the capital, Hamilton), one town, and two villages!And because the island is small, the roads are small too. Each family is allowed just one car so motorbikes are a popular alternative. Even with these strict vehicle regulations, the rush hour traffic into our capital city is no fun!bermuda3

Because we’re surrounded by water, almost everything has to imported. Food, clothes, toys, vehicles, gasoline…you name it, it has to be imported! This makes the cost of living rather expensive. Here in Bermuda you can expect to pay up to double the U.S. price for basics like food, gas, and even clothing. We pay close to $4 for a loaf of bread and apples are usually a dollar each!  And with limited residential space, real estate and housing gets pricy too! The average family home sells for more than a million U.S. dollars; and renting prices are steep too.

But in my opinion, it’s all worth it. Living in Bermuda, I always look forward to waking up in the morning to fresh ocean breezes, or taking that short 2 minute walk to the beach. My family and I have fun walking along the railway trail and watching the sea gulls, and love taking evening strolls down to the pier to feed the colorful fish. Bermuda is where I was born –it’s where my father was born. It’s beautiful place to grow up and live in and I feel privileged to be here! Yes, I’m truly blessed!


What do you like most about living in your country? What makes your neighborhood special? I want to hear your thoughts in a comment below!

I hope everyone’s having a blessed week!



Kate said...

Wow - what an absolutely beautiful place! Where I live, I'm surrounded by an ocean of corn :) But I love it here.

Amanda said...

Wow! It's so cool to see where you live! Thanks for posting!

Me? I live in a farm that's oddly placed not too far from Washington D.C. I love it though - except for the traffic.

Love Abounds At Home said...

Thank you for sharing with us about Bermuda. Sounds like a beautiful place to live. I do have a question. Does cruise ships stop in Bermuda?

Sereina said...

Bermuda looks like a beautiful place!

Leah said...

Wow! Bermuda sounds lovely. Except for the expense. :-P

I live in the U.S. Georgia. In the city... it's not too exciting. We have a smaller home than the average for a 9 person family, (And three pets.) But it is definitely a good size for our family. :-)

We live on less than an acre. But we have a garden that, to me, seems like our farm. :-)

I like the warm weather here in Georgia. Although I don't have such a beautiful sunset as you, I love my life.

I have a comfortable home, I am never hungry and I am so blessed with family, laughter, and love. So for me I don't think it's the surroundings that make my life special. It's the privileges that America has to offer.

Thanks for sharing your life in Bermuda!

Just one question,

Have you always lived in Bermuda?
if not, where did you live before that?



Jenna said...

What a beautiful place you live in, Eden! It sounds so wonderful! Thank you for explaining a little bit about your home land. I never realized how small it is! :)
I feel so blessed to live in an equestrian neighborhood. We reside on 5-6 acres.
I would love to visit Bermuda some day!
I pray that you are having a blessed day!

Your Sister In Christ,

Frannie said...

Hello Eden! I really enjoyed reading about your home. It sounds so interesting!

I live in Southern Missouri, U.S. nestled in the Ozarks. My town has about 548 people in it who mainly depended on tourist season for work, since we are very rural and have two rivers for tourists to float on. Our home is in town and right now were learning how to groom our ivy! the best part of early mornings is listening to some far off rooster or crow starting the day off! :o) What I love the most about America is that we are free to serve God.

Tank you for sharing! And have a blessed day!

Jessica Rebekah said...

I've been wanting to know more about Bermuda (especially from a personal view) so I'm really glad you posted this, Eden! :)
It really looks and sounds like a beautiful place!

As you know, I live in South Africa. As we move around so much and have lived all over the country, I can't tell what I like about a specific neighbourhood, but rather some of the things I like about the country. It can be a very harsh place in many ways, but I love the wildlife and natural places, the variety and "wild-ness" of it all.

Hope you'll post some more about Bermuda! :)

God bless.
Lots of love,

Cassia said...

Thank you for sharing about Bermuda, I enjoyed reading this post.! :) Now I want to vist! :) And the sunsets look SO pretty.

~Cassia :)

Unknown said...

Kate ~ An ocean of corn? That sounds beautiful!

Amanda ~ Happy you enjoyed reading about Bermuda. It must be fun living on a farm! :-)

Sandra ~ Yes, cruise ships stop here on a regular basis during the summer months. There can be 3 or 4 cruise ships in port here at any point in time during the week.

Sereina ~ Yes, pictures can't fully capture its beauty. :-)

Leah ~ Sounds like you have a lovely home! I did spend sometime in Alabama when my Dad was in college (Tuskegee University). And my sister was born in North Carolina. So all together, I've spent about 2 years overseas in the U.S. The rest of my life, I've been here in Bermuda. :-)

Jenna ~ An equestrian neighborhood? That must be beautiful! My sister Leah loves horses so she would probably like living in a place like you do. :-)

Frannie ~ Sounds you like live in a beautiful town. And two rivers?! We don't have any. ;-) It must be fun living there!

Jessica ~ I'm glad you enjoyed reading about Bermuda. I love when you write about South Africa on your blog. :-)I've never been to Africa so I find the whole continent intriguing. :-) Maybe God will provide a way for me to visit Africa one day!

Cassia ~ I was happy to write about Bermuda. :-) Believe me, you'll enjoy visiting Bermuda! And the sunsets are just as beautiful everyday. :-)

Blessings to all of you!

Nancy said...

I have to tell you that I think your country is beautiful. I've only been there a few times when I worked on ships. I, too, would some day like to live on an island. Right now I live in Florida, a state which is a peninsula, and in a city which is a peninsula on that peninsula. lol

Fair Maiden said...

Thank you so much for sharing those pictures of where you live! Oh how I would love to visit Bermuda. I don't think the reality of what it is really like to live in Bermuda could fully set in until I visited it for myself. In the meantime... I will have to be satisfied with all the beautiful pictures! :)

Fair Maiden said...

I had to show my husband your post about Bermuda and his response was, "Can we move there?" :)