August 31, 2010


yarn754328 A few weeks ago, I started the Knit & Crochet for Romania project. So far, we have 12 participants and I’ve been delighted to see my Blogger friends join me to help provide warm clothing for the the children living in a Christian orphanage in Romania.

My sisters, Sara & Leah, are also participating and together we’ve finished 11 hats. It’s been a blessing to be able to use our talents and love for knitting and crocheting to help these children in need.

If you’re participating as well, please leave a comment and let me know how you’re doing. Our goal is to make 100 hats {one for each child} and I need to know how much progress we’ve made towards that goal.

If you haven’t joined yet, you still have time to help! Please click here to read the guidelines and leave a comment on that post to sign up. If you join, your name and blog will be added to the list of participants in my sidebar!

If you’re already participating, I’m looking forward to hearing about your progress! And, of course I’d be delighted to have more participants too!




Eldarwen said...

What a wonderful idea, Eden! May the Lord bless you and help you provide plenty of warm clothing for the orphanage in Romania. :)


*Mirage* said...

I have not had the chance to start any since I first heard of this almost 6 days ago. The full moon has had me feeling labor pain all week. I am curious if there is a shortage in any particular SIZE of hats? Or gender? I noticed alot of toddlers in the pictures on their website, and older kids, but no pictures of babies. Does that mean there would be no use for baby hats? Will there be enough toddler sized hats? I do not have an older child to measure on but I could measure my own head for an older teen or my toddler's head for a toddler sized hat. Are there more boys or girls? Sorry so many questions, just curious what size and gender would be most helpful to start on. :)

Kate said...

Well, I have one baby hat that is nearing completion... But as the busy Summer season around the farm begins to wind-down; I'm planning to get more serious about it!

megan kristine said...

I've been really busy lately with school starting and everything, but now that things have started to calm down a little I plan to get started.

I do have a question: I have this thing called 'round loom knitter' and it makes hats really quickly. Am I aloud to use that?


Allison said...

I got your comment Eden, and I'm headed out to the store soon to get some yarn. Can't wait to get started!


Unknown said...

Hello dear!

Would you mind e-mailing me more about the details to this ministry? I think my family and I would really enjoy doing this, but we'd like to know more about it.

Thank you! :)

Unknown said...

PS: I love making hats - and people tell me I'm good at them. ;) I know it would be awesome to do this for Romanian children.

Laura said...

Dear Miss Eden,
Just wanted to let you know that I just found your blog (through Kate) and I love to make hats! So I will be making some for the children. What an encouragement to see young ladies such as yourself serving the Lord in such a tangible way. May God continue to richly bless you and your family!
Mrs. Laura

Taylor said...

Congratulations on your progress so far! I love the idea of making hats for the children in Romania... but unfortunately I'm not gifted with the ability to crochet, or knit! :( I sure do enjoy reading your updates on this project though. Keep up the good work, ladies!! =)


Frannie said...

Hello Eden!
Right now I'm about half way done with one scarf. Also, I hope to send a few other scarves we have at home but do not use. I hope that is alright?

I have been really enjoying this project and because of it, my knitting has gone by quickly! Maybe when I finish this scarf I will try my hand at the hat patterns you sent me. :)

God bless you friend!

Unknown said...

So glad to be a part of this, Eden! :) I found about 6 hats that I'm not using at the moment, that I am going to be sending...and of course, I'm working on one at the moment. Am so excited for this opportunity! :)


Susannah said...

I am currently working on two :) I have been really busy lately, but plan on putting more time into the hats. Thanks for the comment and reminding me when the deadline is :)


Unknown said...

Thanks for updating me everyone! I'm glad to see that y'all have been trying to make progress. :-)

Mirage ~ I spoke with one of the orphanage's representatives and they said that they need hats of all sizes from 0-18. So if you want to make just toddler hats or teen-size hats, that would be appreciated! I'm not sure on the gender ratio...but you can make either "boy" hats or "girl" hats and even "neutral" hats. All could be appreciated!

Megan ~ Yes, you can use the loom knitter too!

Raquel ~ I'm glad we got to chat about this and you decided to join us. Welcome to the project!

Frannie ~ You can send along the scarves as well. I'm sure these children will appreciate them. :-)

lalalala said...

I have completed two hats, and am working on a third. I am sorry it took me so long to let you know.