August 3, 2010

Where He Leads Me

A few months ago I came across this song while browsing YouTube's praise and worship songs. It was such a blessing to me, and I feel encouraged whenever I listen to this video. It's one of those songs that just touch your heart and leave you feeling refreshed. I thought to share it with all of you, hopefully you'll find it a blessing too!

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me
~ Psalm 139: 9,10

Will you follow the Savior where He leads you? Will you hear Him when He calls?

*This is a scheduled blog post that I wrote last week. I'm currently on a mini-blog break but I'm still moderating comments so feel free to leave one below! Thanks!*


Marissa said...

Thank you so much for posting this, Eden. I was feeling a little discouraged today and this really encouraged me.
Blessings, dear friend!

~ McKenzie Elizabeth~ said...

Oh, how pretty!
I really enjoyed listening to it!

Blessings to you...


Unknown said...

Marissa ~ I'm happy that the song encouraged you. I listen to it a lot when I feel down!

McKenzie ~ Glad you enjoyed listening! It's a beautiful song. :-)