August 6, 2010

Summer With A Purpose: Week Eight

I'm back from my short blogging break! I'm glad that I took the break...I really needed it this week. Overall, it's  been a rough week for me. As you all know, I got my four wisdom teeth pulled on Monday at the hospital. Since then, I've been just resting and waiting for everything to heal so I can get back to "normal". I've been having almost constant dizziness which the oral surgeon said might be from one of the prescribed medications I'm taking. It's been hard for me to get much done because I'm so dizzy and Mom has been such a great help to me! She makes delicious smoothies for me and helps me keep track of the medications I need to take. My sisters and brother have been doing my chores which is a big help too!

One thing I accomplished while resting was that I finished reading the book I started last week, In the Presence of My Enemies. It's a really good book and with not much to do but relax, I truly enjoyed reading it! Aside from reading and relaxing, I haven't been doing much else. I did no crafting whatsoever which is a first since I started SWAP two months ago. Feeling sore and dizzy, I don't really feel like crocheting, sewing or doing any of the other hobbies I'm usually so busy with. I haven't even touched my camera all week --which is why there are no photos for this post. :(

On a different note, I would like to say thank you to everyone who's filled out my blog reader survey. So far, I've gotten more than twenty responses and I really appreciate all your input. I'll be making changes based on the survey once it ends so if you haven't done it yet --I'm still waiting to hear from you! The survey closes next Wednesday so head over and do it while you can! Click here to start!

I should mention that there's a tropical storm heading toward us just as I write this post. It looks like Tropical Storm Colin will be coming within 100 miles of our little island Bermuda with the worst weather forecasted to take place tomorrow night. While tropical storms rarely cause serious damage to Bermuda, the weather service always stresses the importance of taking all the necessary precautions to remain safe. We'll probably be getting some extra candles/batteries in case the power goes out, and we'll be sure to bring in any outdoor furniture and stuff that can be blown away. If we lose power, the internet cuts out as well and I won't be able to keep all of you updated if that happens. :(  There's always the possibility that the storm will strengthen before it actually gets here so we're praying that Colin doesn't become a hurricane as that would increase the likelihood of damage.  Hopefully, we'll just get some much-needed rain and won't lose the electricity!

Since I've been restricted to a soft-food diet this week, I've been looking for good smoothie recipes. If you have a favorite smoothie recipe that you think I'll enjoy, please send it to me by clicking here. If I like your recipe, maybe I'll feature it in a later post! :-) Thanks in advance!

Hope you all have a blessed weekend!


Shelby said...

wisdom teeth are no fun and neither are hurricanes. lol! the cleanup is especially no fun if you have no electricity.

KyAnn said...

I'm praying that it doesn't turn into a hurricane and for safety for you and your family! :)

Allison said...

Hope you feel better Eden!

Jenna said...

I hope you feel better soon! :)
I will pray that the Lord will protect all of Bermuda, as you will be getting a large tropical storm soon! May His loving arms protect you and your sweet family!

Many Blessings,

P.S. I will see if I can find any fruit smoothie recipes in our cookbooks!

Unknown said...

Shelby ~ Yes, storm cleanup is the hard part! Oh, and cleanup minus electricity is tough! I'm hoping it's not too bad this time around!

Miss K ~ Thanks for your prayers!

Allison ~ I'm hoping to feel better soon too. :-)

Jenna ~ Thanks for praying, dear friend! Looking forward to seeing a smoothie recipe form you. :-)

Shelley said...

I'll pray for you that you won't feel to dizzy and that you get back to 'normal' as you mentioned, and that God heals you, and keeps you safe with the whole tropical storm thing. :)

Unknown said...

Shelley~Thanks for your prayers! The storm passed yesterday afternoon and left no damage. Praise God!